May – July 2015 MEDIA OUTREACH & PR ACTIVITY: Finalized press release announcing opening of Northwest Hills Galaxy Café. Distributed press release to local and regional media, securing the following placements: Austin-American Statesman: In-depth profile of the restaurant team and new location in Northwest Hills Coordinated interview with writer Gary Dinges on 5/19 Community Impact Newspaper: Interview with team discussing new restaurant location and new offerings Coordinated with editor Amy Denney for photo shoot at the restaurant Serviced photos from the Friends & Family Party to CultureMap, Tribeza, Austin Monthly, and Austin360 for inclusion in upcoming event roundup features Secured photographer, Nick Simonite, to shoot at the Friends & Family Party Crafted pitch to local TV stations for cooking segments and various interview opportunities Secured interview and cooking segment on KEYE’s “We Are Austin” show on 6/23 Invited local media for special tasting at Galaxy Café Arranged media tasting event with the following media outlets: Community Impact Newspaper AustiNot Secured individual tasting with Hayden Walker, editor in chief of Austin Food Magazine Passed along promotional opportunity to participate in Do512’s “Restaurant of the Week” Galaxy team ultimately passed on this opportunity Passed along opportunity to participate in AIDS Services of Austin annual Dining Out for Life fundraiser Galaxy team confirmed participation for the 2015 event
ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY: Coordinated with graphic designer to create graphics for both the Grand Opening and Friends & Family Party Created Facebook event pages for both the Grand Opening and Friends & Family Party Sent out Friends & Family invites to nearby contacts in the Northwest Hills neighborhood Created social media audit for all Galaxy Café social media platforms Created a PR plan and general timeline for Galaxy Cafe’s new restaurant opening in Northwest Hills Held in-person meeting with Kelly on Wednesday, 5/13 to discuss PR plan and goals for announcing the restaurant’s fourth location May – July 2015
Outlet: Austin Food Magazine Date: 8/3/2015 Coverage: Galaxy Cafe (Overview/Review) Link: Media Impressions: 11,127 Media Value: $50.00 Outlet: Austin Food Magazine Date: 7/14/2015 Coverage: Top 7 Spots in Austin to Celebrate National Mac & Cheese Day (Galaxy Cafe mentioned) Link: cheese-day/ cheese-day/ Media Impressions: 11,127 Media Value: $50.00 Outlet: The Austinot Date: 6/29/2015 Coverage: New to Northwest Austin, Galaxy Cafe Expands Selection Link: Media Impressions: 36,929 Media Value: $ Outlet: Community Impact News (print) Date: 6/25/2015 Coverage: Now Open - info about new location Link: Media Impressions: 702, Media Value: N/A PRESS COVERAGE May – July 2015 TOTAL MEDIA IMPRESSIONS: 5,653,976 TOTAL MEDIA VALUE: $41,433.11
PRESS COVERAGE (CONTINUED – PT. 2) Outlet: Community Impact News (online) Date: 6/25/2015 Coverage: In The News: Now Open (Galaxy Cafe new store) Link: Media Impressions: 132,900 Media Value: $ Outlet: KEYE-TV Date: 6/24/2015 Coverage: We Are Austin Lifestyle Show - segment with Galaxy Cafe Link: shtmlhttp:// shtml Media Impressions: 15,600 Media Value: $50.00 Outlet: Community Impact Date: 6/24/2015 Coverage: Impact Roundup: Oak Haven Kids Club, Yard House, Restoration Hardware (Galaxy Cafe) Link: / / Media Impressions: 132,900 Media Value: $ Outlet: Love North Austin Date: 6/9/2015 Coverage: Galaxy Cafe is Now Open In Northwest Austin on Mesa! (picked up Community Impact story) Link: onmesahttp:// onmesa Media Impressions: 4,170 Media Value: $12.54
Outlet: Austin 360 (online) Date: 6/3/2015 Coverage: Austin Restaurants: Where to buy sandwiches for a picnic (Galaxy Cafe mentioned) Link: sandwiches-for-a-picnic/ sandwiches-for-a-picnic/ Media Impressions: 402,003 Media Value: $3, Outlet: Austin American Statesman (print) Coverage: Fast Growing Galaxy Cafe Set to Open Fourth Location Date: 5/30/15 Link: Media Impressions: 129,519 Media Value: $4, Outlet: Austin Chronicle (online) Coverage: Food-o-File: Weekend Lagniappe - A little extra Austin food news - Galaxy Cafe opening mentioned Date: 5/30/15 Link: lagniappe/ lagniappe/ Media Impressions: 665,670 Media Value: $1, Outlet: Austin American Statesman (online) Date: 5/29/15 Coverage: Austin’s fast-growing Galaxy Cafe to open 4th site Link: open-4th-site/nmRHK/#ba66e59f http:// open-4th-site/nmRHK/#ba66e59f Media Impressions: 1,723,950 Media Value: $5,172 PRESS COVERAGE (CONTINUED – PT. 3)
Outlet: Community Impact Newspaper (online) Date: 5/29/15 Coverage: IMPACT ROUNDUP: Galaxy Cafe comes to Northwest Austin Link: comes-to-northwest-austin/ comes-to-northwest-austin/ Media Impressions: 494,099 Media Value: $9,252 Outlet: Austin Food Magazine Date: 5/28/15 Coverage: GALAXY CAFE ANNOUNCES NEW LOCATION IN NORTHWEST HILLS Link: hills/ hills/ Media Impression: 11,127 Media Value: $50 Outlet: CultureMap Austin Date: 5/28/15 Coverage: Sink your teeth into the top 10 veggie burgers in Austin - Galaxy Cafe included Link: burgers-in-austin-vegetarian-friendly-vegan/ burgers-in-austin-vegetarian-friendly-vegan/ Media Impression: 104,850 Media Value: $3, Outlet: Austin360 (online) Date: 5/27/15 Coverage: Austin restaurants: Where to order takeout- Galaxy Cafe included Link: Media Impressions: 402,003 Media Value: $3,214 PRESS COVERAGE (CONTINUED – PT. 4)
PRESS COVERAGE (CONTINUED – PT. 5) Outlet: Eater Austin Date: 5/27/2015 Coverage: Fourth Galaxy Cafe Opens June 1 Link: barbecue-vs-salt-lick-more /fourth-galaxy-cafe-opens-june-1-la- barbecue-vs-salt-lick-more Media Impressions: 494,099 Media Value: $9, Outlet: Austin City and Press Date: 5/27/2015 Coverage: Galaxy Opening - Picked up Eater story Link: Media Impressions: 179,130 Media Value: $537
Outlet: Austin Food Magazine Date: 8/3/2015 Coverage: Galaxy Cafe (Overview/Review) Link: Media Impressions: 11,127 Media Value: $50.00
Outlet: The Austinot Date: 6/29/2015 Coverage: New to Northwest Austin, Galaxy Cafe Expands Selection Link: Media Impressions: 36,929 Media Value: $483.00
Outlet: KEYE-TV (CBS Austin) Date: 6/24/2015 Coverage: We Are Austin Lifestyle Show - segment with Galaxy Cafe Link: Media Impressions: 15,600 Media Value: $50.00
Outlet: Austin Chronicle Coverage: Food-o-File: Weekend Lagniappe - A little extra Austin food news - Galaxy Cafe opening mentioned Date: 5/30/15 Link: Media Impressions: 665,670 Media Value: $1,420.00
Outlet: Austin American-Statesman Date: 5/29/15 Coverage: Austin’s fast-growing Galaxy Cafe to open 4th site Link: site/nmRHK/#ba66e59f http:// site/nmRHK/#ba66e59f Media Impressions: 1,723,950 Media Value: $5,172
Outlet: Community Impact Newspaper Date: 5/29/15 Coverage: IMPACT ROUNDUP: Galaxy Cafe comes to Northwest Austin Link: Media Impressions: 494,099 Media Value: $9,252
Outlet: Austin Food Magazine Date: 5/28/15 Coverage: Galaxy Café Announces New Location in Northwest Hills Link: Media Impression: 11,127 Media Value: $50
Outlet: CultureMap - Austin Date: 5/28/15 Coverage: Sink your teeth into the top 10 veggie burgers in Austin - Galaxy Cafe included Link: vegan/ vegan/ Media Impression: 104,850 Media Value: $3,496.00
Outlet: Eater – Austin Date: 5/27/2015 Coverage: Fourth Galaxy Cafe Opens June 1 Link: Media Impressions: 494,099 Media Value: $9,252.00