Report of the Capacity Building Committee to the ADC-6 meeting
Capacity Building Strategy in GEO. An integrated approach based on three complementary elements: Infrastructure CB:Infrastructure CB: HW, SW and other technology required to develop, access and use EO… Individuals (Human) CB:Individuals (Human) CB: education and training of individuals to be aware of, access, use and develop EO… Institutional CB:Institutional CB: building policies, programs & organizational structures in governments and organizations to enhance the value of EO data and products. I³I³
Principles for GEO Capacity Building DO NOT REINVENT THE WHEEL: Build on existing efforts and best practices; First and foremost THE USER: Focus on user needs DO IT TOGETHER: Foster collaboration and partnership HAVE A HOLISTIC VIEW: E2E, I ³, in all SBA, at the global, regional and local levels DO IT TO LAST: Enhance the sustainability of Earth observation capacity building efforts
Membership Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil (co-chair), Canada, China, Croatia, Egypt, European Commission (co-chair), France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Korea, Moldova, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Portugal, Russia, South Africa (co-chair), Spain (co-chair), Switzerland, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan. AARSE, APN, CEOS, EEA, EIS-Africa, EUMETSAT, EuroGeoSurveys, FDSN, GCOS, IAG, IEEE, IGBP, IOC, ITC, ISCGM, ISPRS, POGO, UNEP, UNESCO (co-chair), UNOOSA, WCRP (START), WMO The CBC welcomes active participation from all GEO Members and Participating Organisations
Seville Roadmap GEO resource-mobilization roadmap aims to position GEO as: –an efficient coordinator of resource mobilization activities, and –an honest broker serving users, produces and potential resource providers.
Seville Roadmap KEY OBJECTIVES Gain a comprehensive understanding of the needs and operations of donors. Focus on understanding the full range of user communities and networks, including their needs and priorities. Strengthen links between the user and donor communities.
Seville Roadmap KEY OBJECTIVES Sensitize donors to the value of EO and the benefits that building greater capacity for producing and using EO can bring to a variety of users. Mobilize resources for building the capacity of the three key contributors to EO: individuals, institutions and infrastructure (I 3 ). Identify likely donors for each SBA and geographic region.
Seville Roadmap KEY OBJECTIVES Coordinate resource mobilization in order to promote efficiencies and capacity. Market capacity building for EO as a worthwhile investment and not merely as a cost. Engage and establish mutually beneficial relations with the private sector and establish private-public partnerships.
Main issues: Review of tasks GEOSS data sharing principles Portals: GEO + CB Development of the next GEO Work Plan Next meeting: February Hannover, Germany
Actions for the GEO Community A continued emphasis on capacity building as a key issue in the implementation of all aspects of GEOSS. GEO Member Countries to encourage their national cooperation agencies and organizations to assist in the implementation of the Seville Road Map. Good practices and experiences with respect to establishing national GEOs to be compiled and shared.