The 1970’s Nixon, Ford and Carter
Ending the 60’s- Apollo 11 July 1969 the US lands a man on the Moon (Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin) The “Finish Line” of the Space Race with the Soviets Woodstock 1969 Music festival in Woodstock, NY Vietnamization Nixon’s policy for slowly ending US combat in Vietnam
An Awful Economy Stagflation: dual condition of a stagnating economy and inflationary pressures Stagflation occurred due to deficit spending, foreign competition rising prices especially in oil prices
The Election of 1972 & Watergate Nixon wins reelection in 1972 Watergate break in of Democratic Headquarters Tape recordings within the Oval Office were uncovered…tapes would prove Nixon’s involvement in break-in…Nixon refused to release the tapes…US vs. Nixon required he give up tapes but when he did parts were missing…he resigned Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post were covering the story and were getting inside info from John Dean (Deep Throat) Damaged the reputation of the presidency Nixon resigns to avoid impeachment
“I am not a crook!” “If the president does it, it’s not illegal.”
Policy of Détente The 1970s policy towards the Soviets of Nixon, Ford & Carter “An easing of tension with the Soviets” Soviet Union and U.S. sign the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I) which froze the deployment of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and placed limits on antiballistic missiles (ABMs)
Nixon in China 1972 Nixon becomes the first President to visit China The Peoples Republic of China formally recognized as “China” by the US Nixon hoped to… Create a massive PR boost for his reelection Settle issues related to Taiwan Drive a wedge between USSR & China Bring China into forcing a peace treaty in Vietnam
Nixon Resigns- Ford Sworn In President Nixon becomes the only President to resign from office He was avoiding a likely impeachment and Senate conviction due to his role in the Watergate Scandal Vice President Ford is sworn in as President
President Ford Fun Fact: The only President never elected. He was chosen as a Vice President not elected with Nixon Ford pardons Nixon for Watergate His view: end the scandal so healing can start Others: Nixon gets away with crimes, shows corruption in Washington Saigon Falls: April 1975 Ford does not intervene and North Vietnam conquers South Vietnam, finally ending the Vietnam War Ford loses reelection bid-
President Ford U.S. and S.U. endorsed the Helsinki Accords that put Europe on record in favor of human rights and tried to improve relations between Communist countries and the rest of Europe
Jimmy Carter Carter wins in 1976 over Ford due to being a “Washington Outsider” Watergate and Vietnam have created a massive distrust of the government. Ford Tries to bring honor and openness back to the Whitehouse Camp David Accords Carter brokers a deal between sworn enemies Israel and Egypt Carter loses to Ronald Reagan in 1980
Iran Hostage Crisis Islamic Revolution overthrows the US allied Shaw of Iran Students overtake the US Embassy and capture the staff An attempted rescue mission fails The Crisis is seen as a sign of both Carter’s weakness and the US in general being weak post Vietnam