District PLC Leadership Team Meeting July 31,
Opening “There is an assumption in more traditional districts and schools that only bottom-up initiatives will be successful or should be undertaken. But the complex journey of district reculturing is not likely to simply bubble up from the bottom. In every district with which we work, we emphasize the need to provide high-quality, top-down leadership, direction, and support, especially in the beginning of the PLC journey.” Robert Eaker & Janel Keating, 2012 Discuss your thoughts regarding the quote above. 2
Effective and collaborative group work Agenda Preview Effective and collaborative group work requires an intentional effort and typically does not happen by accident. Reconnecting: Developing collaborative groups: Key elements that contribute to effective and collaborative group work Highlights… 3
The group’s tasks The District PLC Leadership Team’s Tasks: To make PLC decisions ◦ To clarify numerous aspects of the PLC work ◦ To articulate expectations, accountability, consistency, non-negotiables, and role clarification = “The Tight” To work collaboratively to address and problem solve PLC implementation issues To develop a plan to assess PLC progress in RCAS 4
Participation and Commitments (Roles and Responsibilities) Provide leadership at the district level to move the PLC process forward Provide leadership to make PLC decisions and to problem solve PLC implementation issues Play a district-level leadership role to build a collaborative culture focused on student learning To develop a plan to assess PLC progress Communicate with colleagues and other stakeholders regarding PLC decisions Meet twice a month for 2-3 hours (at least initially) 5
Working Agreements (Norms) Working agreements/norms represent protocols and commitments developed by a team to guide members in working together. They help team members clarify expectations regarding how they will work together to achieve their shared goals. Group Working Agreements/Norms ·Respect others’ ideas, opinions, and time ·Participate and listen actively ·Be here now: Minimize side bar discussions and use technology to contribute to the group Addressing Norm Violations Surface your own norm violations when appropriate The group will monitor norm violations in a subtle, humorous, sensitive way 6
Launching District-Wide PLCs Fundamental Assumptions: Building Shared Background and Knowledge Input from Administrators and Teachers ◦ Data source from February 1, 2012 ◦ Other PLC Research and Literature ◦ Leaders of Learning – District’s role in the PLC process: Communicate priorities and nondiscretionary goals Establish specific PLC practices/expectations for every school Clarify the steps schools must take Clarify the evidence/indicators that will be used to monitor progress Vigilantly monitor the degree to which the priorities are monitored and acted on Clarify expectations for principals and provide them with ongoing training and support Monitor the implementation process by requiring principals to explain and submit evidence in a public forum to colleagues and central office ◦ Consistency of the Literature ◦ Intensity of the PLC Literature Language 7
Launching District-Wide PLCs: An Implementation Guide for All Staff Intent Key Features: 4 Priorities/Non-Negotiables Aligned with BOE Goals – Approved 6/7/12 Each priorities has: Learning Target Content provided for everyone to learn – Building shared background Framework includes why, how, who, when, what Accountability and Indicator of Progress (building level and classroom level) Monitoring Process Glossary References and Additional Resources Q & A, Feedback, Input 8
Leadership for Launching District-Wide PLCs: An Implementation Guide for Administrators Intent Key Features: Specify learning targets (for principals) Clarify “the tight” Offer “how to” strategy ideas based on the PLC literature Provide opportunities to collaborate, share, and learn from each other Provide timelines for implementation Accountability and Indicator of Progress (building level and classroom level) Monitoring Process Q & A, Feedback, Input 9
Today’s Specific Tasks To make a consensual decision regarding these PLC issues: Issue #1:How will the Wednesday afternoon time be utilized? (Acceptable and unacceptable staff practices) DECISION MADE - WHAT CLARIFICATION OR ELABORATION IS NEEDED? Issue #2:In what ways will the district practice accountability – at both the building and the classroom levels? FURTHER DEVELOP RESPONSES REGARDING PRIORITIES #1 AND #2 Issue #3:How will we manage situations in which teachers teach more than one content area? DECISION MADE Issue #4: How will we accommodate district-level needs (examples: ELA leadership team work, technology PD), and what will be the expectation for those teachers not involved in district-level work? DECISION NEEDED 10
Debrief Set up meeting times Did we honor our Working Agreements? Reconnect with Learning Targets and Criteria for Success “A district cannot experience the benefits of defined autonomy (loose-tight leadership) when confusion reigns regarding nondiscretionary priorities (the tight).” DuFour & Marzano, 2011 Thank you! 11