I NTRODUCTION Questioning God’s providential rule could lead to…improper worship One needs to have the proper reverence and respect for God Solomon is going to discuss some of the “ pitfalls ” one needs to avoid Vain worship is empty and unprofitable for the worshipper and God will not accept it
E CCLESIASTES 5:1 “Walk prudently when you go to the house of God; and draw near to hear rather than to give the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they do evil."
E CCLESIASTES 5:2 “Do not be rash with your mouth, and let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. For God is in heaven, and you on earth; Therefore let your words be few."
E CCLESIASTES 5:3,4 “ For a dream comes through much activity, and a fool's voice is known by his many words. When you make a vow to God, do not delay to pay it; for He has no pleasure in fools. Pay what you have vowed."
E CCLESIASTES 5:5,6 “Better not to vow than to vow and not pay. Do not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin, nor say before the messenger of God that it was an error. Why should God be angry at your excuse and destroy the work of your hands?"
E CCLESIASTES 5:7 “ For in the multitude of dreams and many words there is also vanity. But fear God. "
W ORSHIPPER ’ S A TTITUDE Walk “ prudently ”—”watch your steps” “Guard your steps” (RSV) Come into God’s house “ be quick to hear and slow to speak” –Habakkuk 2:20; James 1:19 Coming to listen and learn—not to speak Would suggest type of forethought and preparation before entering God’s presence “ Sacrifice of fools ”- they do not know what they do—just do anything in the name of worship
W ORSHIPPER ’ S A TTITUDE A Fool doesn’t even realize this is evil –1 Samuel 15:22; John 4:24 One should not be “ rash with their mouth” Don’t make rash, wild, reckless statements in one’s utterances before God Careful for one’s heart not to utter anything “ hastily ” before God— impulsive requests Need to remember our position –God —in heaven –Us—on earth –Let words be “ few ”
W ORSHIPPER ’ S A TTITUDE Excessive activity ( much industry, business, labor ) will so weigh on one’s mind—dream about it Fool will be known by his “ many words ” –Ecclesiastes 10;12-15 Understand that our words before God reveal us to Him Fools reveal wasted efforts with “many words” Told to avoid “ vain repetitions ” Matthew 6:7
W ORSHIPPER ’ S A TTITUDE Vows were not commanded under the Law of Moses but voluntary Vow—” solemn promise, pledge, or personal commitment ” Danger of making a “ rash vow ” that later we are unable to pay! No pleasure in fools—consider seriously the things you commit to Better not to make a vow—then vow and not pay it! –Judges 11—Jepthah’s rash vow
M OUTH L EADS U S INTO S IN Don’t “ over promise ” for when one cannot fulfill—causes us to sin Not just unfortunate mistake ( just an error )— false vows are sinful! “ Messenger of God ” probably considering the priest –Leviticus 5:4-6; Malachi 2:7 Welcome disfavor with God when we fail to keep our word ! Promises have serious implications with God!
L IVING IN F ANTASY AND D REAMS Do not live in a world of dreams, fantasies and empty words Be realistic and sober minded –1 Peter 4:7; 5:8 Multiplication of dreams serve no useful purpose Endless words and vows are empty Such in danger of incurring God’s wrath Fear God —respect our Maker Tenth vain thing : foolish words and promises
C ONCLUSION Never forget these things are looked at from an “ earthly vantage point ” Searching for the meaning of life, purpose, happiness--strictly from the human viewpoint will leave one empty and frustrated We need to be careful what we speak to God and commitments we make God will hold us accountable for our words!