Unlocking Tone
Remember, when a person speaks, the audience detects the attitudes and meanings in the message by listening to the speaker’s tone of voice. In written works, the reader must determine tone by paying attention to the words used.
If you misinterpret the tone, you have missed the meaning of the work!
Tone is conveyed through... Diction Imagery Details Language Syntax
Diction – the author’s choice of words Connotation vs. Denotation – Why does the author choose one word instead of another with a similar meaning?
Imagery – the author’s use of descriptive language or figurative language that appeals to the senses Hyperbole - Exaggeration used for effect Idiom - Expression that has a different meaning from its literal definition Personification – giving something nonhuman, human characteristics
Imagery - continued Simile – comparisons between two unlike things using words such as “like” or “as” Onomatopoeia – word whose sound imitates its meaning Metaphor – comparisons between two unlike things in which one becomes another; often, a form of the verb “be” is used Alliteration – same sound starts a series of words.
Details – facts the author includes or leaves out Ex. Irony – occurs when there is a contrast between what is expected or intended to happen and what actually happens.
Song Lyrics from “Isn’t It Ironic” Alanis Morisette An old man turned ninety-eight He won the lottery and died the next day It’s a death row pardon two minutes too late It’s like rain on your wedding day It’s a free ride when you’ve already paid
Language – how formal or informal the writing is Jargon – technical terms Cultural dialect Sophisticated vocabulary Slang – language specific to the times generally short-lived (ex. groovy)
Syntax – sentence structure Long and flowing or short and quick Long = reasonable or scholarly Short = emotional or assertive Simple or complex Declarative, Interrogative, etc.
You can unlock Tone by remembering...
One final note... Clichés are expressions that are so overused, they have lost their effectiveness. Ex. Blind as a bat Through thick and thin Avoid clichés “like the plague”