NIRPC July 26, 2007 Thomas W. Easterly, P.E., DEE, QEP Commissioner IN Department of Environmental Management
IDEM’s Environmental Goal Increase the personal income of all Hoosiers from the current $0.88/$1.00 of the national average to at least $1.00/$1.00 of the national average while maintaining and improving Indiana’s Environmental Quality.
Pilot 2006 Environmental Performance Index Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy Yale University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Columbia University
How Will IDEM Help Increase Personal Income? Clear, consistent and speedy decisions Clear regulations Assistance first, enforcement second Timely resolution of enforcement actions Every regulated entity will have current valid permits without unnecessary requirements Written Standard Operating Procedures Improved staff training and development
Performance Metrics Quality of Hoosiers' EnvironmentResultTargetComments % of Hoosiers that live in counties that meet air quality standards 85%100%80% 2 964,725 of 6,271,973 failed % of CSO Communities with approved programs to prevent the release of untreated sewage 50%100%20% 45+9 out of 98+9 Permitting Efficiency Total calendar days accumulated in issuing environmental permits, as determined by state statute Land 61,77966,56586, permits 6972 permits 45 permits Air 311,986207,000385,000 Water 58,80648,000200,000 * Places emphasis on back logged permits Compliance Total percentage of compliance observations from regulated customers within acceptable compliance standards Inspections 95.58%97%75% Self reporting 97.77%99%95% Continuous monitoring (COM) 99.66%99.90%98.95% * Tracks observations and not just inspections Organizational Transformation Budgetary agency dollars spent on key outside contracts for core agency functions. Dollars spent on outside services per year $4,458,843$0$3,447,017 $2.1 OLQ + $2.3 OAQ
Counties above AQ Standards January 10, 2005 Allen--Ozone Boone--Ozone Clark—PM & Ozone Dubois--PM Elkhart--Ozone Hamilton--Ozone Hancock--Ozone Madison--Ozone Marion—PM & Ozone Shelby--Ozone St. Joseph--Ozone January 1, 2007 Clark--PM Marion--PM
Ozone Monitoring Trends AreaCity DV DV DV DV 07 Critical Values Lake/PorterWhiting LaPorteMichigan City
LaPorte County NOx and VOC
Lake and Porter NOx and VOC
LaPorte County Ozone Redesignation Submittal Date - May 30, 2006 U.S. EPA Proposed Approval – April 18, U.S. EPA Final Approval—July 19, Need APCB to adopt Emergency Rule before permits can be issued under Attainment Regulations—Meeting Scheduled for this room on September 5, 2007
Lake and Porter Counties Redesignation Submittal Date – September 12, 2006 U.S. EPA proposed approval –May 31, 2007—Comment Period Ended July 2, Illinois filed comments strongly objecting to Indiana becoming attainment “because of Indiana’s impact on Illinois air quality” A California court decision reinstated the 1- hour ozone standard making the area a Severe Ozone Nonattainment Area
Lake and Porter Counties Redesignation If the area goes back to a “Severe” area by action of law, EPA will be prohibited by the Clean Air Act from approving attainment for any county in the Chicago CMSA until the entire area becomes attainment—and according to Illinois until Illinois petitions for redesignation. High Ozone Levels at the Whiting Monitor on 5/22, 6/11, 6/15, 6/16 and 6/17. The 4 th high value appears to be 0.088, the critical value for this monitor was 0.086, we apparently have calculated nonattainment
ChiWaukee Monitor
Michigan City Monitor
Hammond Monitor
Holland Michigan Monitor
What Does Redesignation Mean for The Area? Area redesignated to attainment and classified maintenance. New Source Review permitting requirements alleviated. Controls that lead to attainment remain in place. If an unexpected re-violation of the standard occurs, warning and action level response triggers in place.
Additional Measures to Provide Margin of Safety Portable Fuel Container rule Off-road engine controls Auto Refinishing Solvents and Degreasers Consumer/Commercial Products Automotive and Industrial Maintenance (AIM) Coatings Outdoor wood furnaces
PM 2.5 Monitoring Trends NOTE: Only Lake and Porter counties have been designated nonattainment for PM under the annual PM 2.5 standard
Lake and Porter PM PM2.5 Redesignation Partial nonattainment area redesignation request 2005 Base Year 2020 Planning Horizon and Conformity Budget Draft complete by July 2007 Public notice/comment July/August 2007 Final Submittal – Fall 2007
New 24 Hour PM2.5 Standard
Thank You—Any Questions? Tom Easterly 100 N. Senate Ave. IGCN 1301 Indianapolis, IN (317) Fax (317)