Interactive Web Map of Marcellus and Utica Shale Showing Thickness and Depth within the State of PA Adviser: Dr. Jay Parrish Derege W. Kobre
Objective? Why I have chosen this project ? Who will benefit from the project ? What is Marcellus Shale and why it is important? What is Utica Shale and why it is important?
The recent change in drilling and production What is Horizontal Fracking ? What is Hydraulic Fracking ? What is the estimated resource from the Marcellus Shale? What is the estimated resource from the Utica Shale? Vertical Fractures Or Pores
SSource Data (EXL Spread Sheet) MMWELLHEADER.xls MMarcellus_tops.xls UUtica_tops.xls AAlgorithm DData Preparation (ACCESS database)
Source Data (EXL Spread Sheet) Algorithm Data Preparation (ACCESS database) » query1 is created from the joined MWELLHEADER table and Marcellus_tops table based on UWI and MTOP values (1795 RETURNS) » query2 is created from the joined MWELLHEADER table and Marcellus_tops table based on UWI and MBOT values (1753 RETURNS) » query3 is created to change query1 to a table named WELLMTOP » Create query4 that will change query2 to a table named WELLMBOT
Source Data Algorithm Data Preparation (ACCESS database) Geoprocessing (ArcGIS) Add coordinate data to the MWELLHEADER table (x y events) & save as a shapefile Join the rest of the table to it to include the fields MTOP and MBOT and name the combined shapefile WELLCOMB Add the fields MTHICK and MDEPTH Use the field calculator to update the records (e.g MTHICK = [MBOT]-[MTOP] )
Do Geostatistical Analysis from Geostatistical Wizard using Kriging method for each fields to create a prediction map layer of polygon shape – export the kriging layer to vector data Confirm that "GA Layer To Contour" dialogue box pops up allowing to make a polygon shape file of filled contours that showed both the prediction map and prediction standard error map for each field Use Natural Neigbour method for the Utica data – Reclassify raster output – Change raster to polygon
Export the shapefiles out to Access database. The shapfiles are exported out in two forms 1.Text (use export shapefile to csv tool created by Jim Detwiler from my toolbox) Note: to append the geometry data 2.Table (dbase IV) Note: to append the attributes MWELL.shp UWELL.shp MTHICK.shp MDEPTH.shp MTHICKERR.shp MDEPTHERR.shp Uthick.shp Udepth.shp MWELL.shp UWELL.shp MTHICK.shp MDEPTH.shp MTHICKERR.shp MDEPTHERR.shp Uthick.shp Udepth.shp
Source Data Algorithm Data Preparation (ACCESS database) Geoprocessing (ArcGIS) Create Tables (MySQL database) Form XML data using PHP server side scripting language
Source Data Algorithm Data Preparation (ACCESS database) Geoprocessing (ArcGIS) Create Tables (MySQL database) Form XML data using PHP server side scripting language
Source Data Algorithm Data Preparation (ACCESS database) Geoprocessing (ArcGIS) Create Tables (MySQL database) Form XML data using PHP server side scripting language Create the point and polygon maps using Google Engine, HTML and JavaScript client side programming language Repeat the above two steps for each layer
Challenges Improving result with more data Future prospect in improved methodology Sample Sample demonstration Paper Paper
David O'Sullivan, P., & Unwin, D. J. (2010). Geographic Information Analysis (2nd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. King, H. (n.d.). Marcellus Shale - Appalachian Basin Natural Gas Play. Retrieved 12 01, 2013, from Maps and Digital Data. (n.d.). Retrieved from DCNR Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: MCOR. (n.d.). Resources : Maps & Graphics. Retrieved 2 3, 2014, from Penn State Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research : NETL. (2007, 1 31). Natural Gas Program Archive. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Energy: Office of Fossil Energy: National Energy Technology Laboratory: Pictures of the Marcellus Shale formation outcrop. (n.d.). Retrieved 12 7, 2013, from WV Surface Owners’ Rights Organization (WV SORO):
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