Courtesy Being courteous means treating others with respect. When you are courteous you are showing others that you have good manners and you are kind. Example – Saying “Please” and “Thank you” are simple ways to show courtesy to others. – Respecting all adults in our school – always!
Self-Control Self Control is taking charge of yourself and your behavior, as well as making good choices and being accountable for your decisions. Example: Think about the consequences of your actions before you act, use common sense, be fair to others and choose words and behaviors that do not hurt other people.
Accepting Consequences Accepting consequences means being honest when you make a mistake and agreeing to correct that mistake. Example – If you make a wrong decision, face what happens as a result of your actions without arguing.
Honesty Honesty is being truthful, sincere, and straightforward. Honest people do not lie, cheat, or steal. Example: – If you do something wrong, be honest about it and admit your mistake. Other students will learn from your example.
Attitude Having a positive outlook can make the difference between success and failure. A good leader not only displays the right attitude at all times, he does his best to encourage the right attitude in others. Example: – Having the right attitude motivates other children to change their negative thinking when playing together at recess.
Citizenship Citizenship is having the desire to help out in your community and also caring about others who live and work around you. Example: – Be a good citizen by following rules and participating in group activities and decisions. Also, volunteer your time in your neighborhood, your community and your school.
PBIS COOL TOOLS for SUCCESS Respect You Have To Give It To Get It!
Thanks to: Northmoor Primary For sharing this Cool Tools with the entire school district