WORK PACKAGE 2 BIOSPHERE-ATMOSPHERE INTERACTIONS Colin Prentice (Leader) Rita Wania (PhD candidate) Renato Spahni (Visiting Fellow) Pru Foster (Coordinator) ) Work Package 2
Identified the inputs and outputs to biosphere (mostly) Determined techniques for quantifying outputs (mostly) Gathering existing versions of LPJ Thonicke’s SPITFIRE Xu Ri’s N cycle Arneth’s isoprene emissions Scholze’s isotopes On going work Waniasoil temp, permafrost, moisture profile and CH4 Spahnitropical wetlands ???? Programmer to merge LPJ versions Where we are at
Basic LPJ
basis lpj explained basis lpj explained
Sitch et al., 2003 PFT simulation
Sitch et al., 2003 Soil Moisture
Sitch et al., 2003 CO2 concentration
soil soil
isoprenes isoprenes
wetlands wetlands
spitfire spitfire
nox out nox out
nox in nox in
outstanding questions outstanding questions
references references
Questions and comments Are plants a source of methane (Keppler et al, Nature 2006) Apparently not! (Dueck et al, New Phytologist 2007) Are wetland soils a source of H 2 and what to do about N 2 O? How much time is spent in the burning versus the smoldering phase of fires? (USDA) Do we need a rice PFT? No … should follow agricultural practices anyway EDGAR E… ??
Questions for Discussion What do the CTMs do about NO x deposition? Stomatal conductance, LAI, roughness length What about O 3 uptake? Non-stomatal uptake, what veg characteristics are important? Are the hydrocarbons important for chemistry or aerosols? Emission factors for burning veg (Andreae & Merlet GCB 2001) Do you want methanol & ORVOCs? (Lathiere AC P 2006, GRL 2005) Isotopes Do any of the CTMs consider C isotopes (O?, H?) LPJ SPITFIRE has C isotopes