L INE - A CONTINUOUS MARK THAT NEVER ENDS The designer probably liked lines so they decide to us lines In each design Fashion,art,and interior designs with continous lines
S HAPES - TWO OR THREE DIMENSIONAL OBJECTS They decided to draw and design these because of there unique formation Fashion,art,and interior designs with a 2 or 3 dimension shape
F ORM - THE THREE DIFFERENT TYPES OF FORM ARE DEPTH HEIGHT AND WIDTH The designer chose these because they thought that it showed width depth and height
V ALUE - REFERS TO ITS HIGHLIGHTS, COLOR TONES AND NATURAL COLORS The deigner chose these because of there magnificent colors Interior,art,and fashion design all with colorful highlights and natural colors
T EXTURE - IS ITS COLOR, REPETITION AND PATTERN They chose these because of the fiberant texture of the fabric, and the art Art with colorful repetition Floor design with spiral repetition Fashion design with texture
C OLOR - SECONDARY, AND PRIMARY COLORS The designer probably chose these because of there ilumminating colors Fashion design with eye popping color Interior design with multiple colors Art with secondary and primary colors
S PACE - AN ILLUSION OF TWO OR THREE DIMENSIONAL OBJECTS All the designers probably chose these designs because of there vibrant texture and colors Interior designs with illusion