Created by Scott Khamesi
A linear mark.
As seen in this image, lines, when used for auditoriums, are commonly used to section off spaces for each individual in the audience. I personally enjoy how lines are used for both an artistic and practical way with this image.
In this photo, lines are used to both separate and blend in the colors of blue and white.
Lines are very important with graphic design, they’re used to both create the shape of an image and provide details to said image as well.
An area sectioned off by lines.
The shape of an archway is used here to both add an old, elegant feel to the building, and to balance the weight of the ceiling while adding areas for entrances and windows.
The shape of a star used here on the Ushanka is used to add a symbol of the Soviet Union to the hat.
The artist uses shapes in this painting to add the effect of an optical illusion to it. I personally enjoy the use of shapes through optical illusions because it shows how even abstract lines can form something interesting.
Shapes with depth, width and height.
The Egyptians built their Pyramids in a triangular shape because they believed that the apex of the Pyramid would connect the Pharaoh buried there to the Afterlife. This is my personal favorite because it shows how the Egyptians used forms to express their beliefs.
Fashion Designers use this in order to see how a certain dress or suit would fit a person. They also will sometimes use these as a form of a canvas for the dress/suit.
Form in Graphic Design is usually used to make a two dimensional drawing seem as if it is three dimensional. This also tends to add depth to many paintings/drawings using this technique.
The contrast between colors.
The brighter colors used on the domes of the church compared to the rest of it draw a person’s eyes to the building. I particularly like how the architect of this church uses value to draw your eyes towards it.
The use of brightness with these two colors makes them seem to blend together rather than seem sectioned off.
Value with graphic design can be used to add what seems like shadows to less important things and draws a person’s eyes to the main image of the drawing instead.
The condition of a surface.
The sitting area of the couch is made to be both soft and comfortable, while at the same time being firm and durable.
The use of silk for the dress is to make it seem as if it’s sleek and bright while also being shiny and clean.
The use of lines and shading for graphic design is to make an object seem either soft and comfortable, or rough and hard. In my opinion, this is probably one of the hardest and coolest things to do with graphic design, because it can create something beautiful by only marks on paper.
Based on hue, value, and intensity.
The use of color for something, whether it be a room, a shirt, or a logo, is based on a person’s personal preference.
I enjoy how in this image, the colors used are plain and simple, they don’t make your eyes hurt or question your design choice.
An open area
Space will sometimes be used to place importance on a certain aspect of something or to make something seem larger than it is.
I enjoy how, in this image, space is used to add both a sense of safety, simplicity, and uneasiness.