Konstantin Stefanov 05/10/ Detecting elements for the CALICE MAPS design How does the collected charge depend on 1.Diode size? 2.Diode position with respect to the NWELL? 3.Diode bias voltage? Questions
Konstantin Stefanov 05/10/ substrate (p+) Diodes V D reflected charge Setup NWELL +3.3V DxDw 0X MIP track ●The NWELL is 3 μm wide ●Diode size and position are variable ●The location of the MIP track is also variable * The finite length of this structure does not allow full charge collection – some error is introduced 25 m50 m
Konstantin Stefanov 05/10/ Question 1 - Diode size ● The MIP hits at X from the NWELL centre ● Diode size Dw is variable, Dx = 12 μm
Konstantin Stefanov 05/10/ Question 2 - Diode position with respect to the NWELL ● The MIP hits the centre of the NWELL (X=0) ● Diode size Dw and their distance from the NWELL Dx are variable
Konstantin Stefanov 05/10/ Question 3 - Diode bias voltage ● The MIP hits at distance 8 μm from centre of the NWELL ● Diode size Dw and bias are variable, distance from the NWELL Dx is fixed to 12 μm
Konstantin Stefanov 05/10/ A movie speaks more than 1000 words ● The MIP hits at distance 8 μm from the NWELL centre ● Diode size Dw = 4 μm, 12 μm from the NWELL centre Depletion regions under the diodes are 3 μm deep. This is clearly visible as the electron density in the depleted regions is small (charge is transported very quickly there – seen as “liquid flow”) Click to start/stop
Konstantin Stefanov 05/10/ Conclusions ● Surprisingly, increasing the diode size does not proportionally improve the collection efficiency ● Should the effect be much stronger in 3D ( ~(Dw) 2 rather than ~Dw)? ● Very important to verify in 3D ● Placing the diodes next to the NWELL has some effect on reducing the charge loss ● Diode bias voltage is minor effect ● Signal density decreases rapidly with time and distance: diodes become less efficient ● Interesting to see how this will look in 3D
Konstantin Stefanov 05/10/ Suggestion #1 ● How to maximize the collected charge? ● Make sure there is a diode near the MIP impact ● Very big diode? Most likely will cause too much capacitance ● Suggestion #1: Use many diodes on uniform grid Diodes 50 m NWELL Diode 50 m NWELL
Konstantin Stefanov 05/10/ Suggestions #2 and #3 Diode connected by extended n+ diffusion: Adds (more?) capacitance, but also collects more charge Diode connected with metal track: Metal track adds capacitance Suggestion #2: Use diffusion to connect the diodes Suggestion #3: Use circular diodes Depletion to substrate 3 μm Sidewall capacitance significant due to high doping: Depletion width 0.5 μm, dopant height 1 μm (Circles have the smallest circumference for given area)