CRI – Spanish update (1) 2010 Status of Dairy Cattle Breeding in the United States Dr. H. Duane Norman Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA Beltsville, MD , USA
CRI – Spanish update (2) 2010 H.D. Norman U.S. dairy statistics (2009) l 9.2 million cows l 54,000 herds l 170 cows/herd l 20,850 lb (9458 kg)/cow l ~91% Holsteins, ~7% Jerseys l ~75% bred AI l 47% milk recorded through Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI)
CRI – Spanish update (3) 2010 H.D. Norman U.S. dairy population and yield
CRI – Spanish update (4) 2010 H.D. Norman DHI statistics (2009–10) l 4.5 million cows – 98% fat recorded – 97% protein recorded – 93% SCC recorded l 22,000 herds l 203 cows/herd l 22,274 lb (10,103 kg)/cow – 3.69% fat – 3.09% (true) protein
CRI – Spanish update (5) 2010 H.D. Norman U.S. progeny-test bulls (2008) l Major and marketing-only AI organizations plus breeder proven l Breeds – Ayrshire 10 bulls – Brown Swiss 23 bulls – Guernsey 20 bulls – Holstein1409 bulls – Jersey 167 bulls – Milking Shorthorn 7 bulls
CRI – Spanish update (6) 2010 H.D. Norman National Dairy Genetic Evaluation Program AIPLCDCB NAAB PDCA DHI Universities AIPL Animal Improvement Programs Lab., USDA CDCBCouncil on Dairy Cattle Breeding DHIDairy Herd Improvement (milk recording organizations) NAABNational Association of Animal Breeders (AI) PDCAPurebred Dairy Cattle Association (breed registries)
CRI – Spanish update (7) 2010 H.D. Norman AIPL mission l Conduct research to discover, test, and implement improved genetic evaluation techniques for economically important traits of dairy cattle and goats l Genetically improve efficiency of dairy animals for yield (milk, fat, protein) and fitness (longevity, mastitis resistance, reproduction, conformation)
CRI – Spanish update (8) 2010 H.D. Norman AIPL research objectives l Collect genotypes and new phenotypes to improve accuracy and comprehensiveness of the national database l Characterize phenotypic measures of dairy practices, and provide dairy industry with information needed to determine the impact of various herd management decision on profitability
CRI – Spanish update (9) 2010 H.D. Norman AIPL research objectives (cont.) l Improve accuracy of prediction of economically important traits currently evaluated, determine merit and potential for developing genetic prediction for new traits, and investigate methods to incorporate high-density genomic data
CRI – Spanish update (10) 2010 H.D. Norman AIPL research objectives (cont.) l Investigate economic value of traits and correlations among them to most efficiently combine evaluations to select for healthy dairy animals capable of producing quality milk at a low cost in many environments
CRI – Spanish update (11) 2010 H.D. Norman Traits evaluated l Yield (milk, fat, protein volume; percentages) l Type/conformation l Productive life/longevity l Somatic cell score/mastitis resistance l Fertility – Daughter pregnancy rate (cow) – Estimated relative conception rate (bull) l Calving ease/dystocia (service sire, daughter) l Stillbirth (service sire, daughter)
CRI – Spanish update (12) 2010 H.D. Norman Evaluation methods l Animal model (linear) – Yield (milk, fat, protein) – Type (Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Jersey) – Productive life – SCS – Daughter pregnancy rate l Sire – maternal grandsire model (threshold) – Service sire calving ease – Daughter calving ease Heritability 25 – 40% 7 – 54% 8.5% 12% 4% 8.6% 3.6%
CRI – Spanish update (13) 2010 H.D. Norman Genetic trend – Milk Phenotypic base = 11,638 kg sires
CRI – Spanish update (14) 2010 H.D. Norman Genetic trend – Fat Phenotypic base = 424 kg sires
CRI – Spanish update (15) 2010 H.D. Norman Genetic trend – Protein Phenotypic base = 350 kg sires
CRI – Spanish update (16) 2010 H.D. Norman Genetic trend – Productive life (mo) Phenotypic base = 24.6 months sires
CRI – Spanish update (17) 2010 H.D. Norman Genetic trend – Somatic cell score Phenotypic base = 3.08 (log base 2) sires
CRI – Spanish update (18) 2010 H.D. Norman Genetic trend – Daughter pregnancy rate (%) Phenotypic base = 21.53% sires
CRI – Spanish update (19) 2010 H.D. Norman Genetic-economic indexes Trait Relative value (%) Cheese merit Net merit Fluid merit Protein (lb)25160 Fat (lb) Milk (lb)–15019 Productive life (mo)1522 Somatic cell score (log base 2)–9–10–5 Udder composite577 Feet/legs composite344 Body size composite–4–6 Daughter pregnancy rate (%)8712 Calving ability ($)355
CRI – Spanish update (20) 2010 H.D. Norman Index changes Relative emphasis on traits in index (%) PTA traits included PD$ 1971 MFP$ 1976 CY$ 1984 NM$ 1994 NM$ 2000 NM$ 2003 NM$ 2006 NM$ 2010 Milk5227– Fat Protein… Productive life……… Somatic cell score………–6–9 –10 Udder composite…………7767 Feet/legs composite…………4434 Body size composite…………–4–3–4–6 Daughter pregnanc. rate……………7911 Service-sire calving ease……………2…… Daughter calving ease……………2…… Calving ability………………65