Pick up your current grades from Mrs. Francesconi. On your starter write the following things. What is your grade in this class? What are you missing in this class? Where can you find these missing things? Once you have written these things down I would like you to retrieve anything that you have missing. Either from the front hanging file or The hanging file if it is something that you are pretty sure you turned in. also Check the no name drawer as well.
Pendant cutting.
Go over review of last time. Go over how to cut the pendant and review of where to find the supplies. Begin cutting your pendant today, you should be able to cut 1/3 of your pendant today. Exit pass
Last time in class we passed off putting in a saw blade and graded our safety tests. Each of you who were here fixed the safety test questions that you got wrong. Once done students finished their positive & negative space worksheet. If you were not here last time it is your responsibility to go to the website or check the while you were out binder to get these steps done.
You are to design a positive and negative space design in the one inch circles provided. Once done designing you will get an X-Acto knife to cut out your design. If your design works you are ready to get your metal. If not design again until you have a design that works.
You should be cutting your metal today. By the end of class you will need to have 1/3 of your design cut out of your sheet metal. If you do not have your pendant to this point you will have to make time before or after school to get caught up. 1/3
Did get your design drawn out and get your sheet metal? Did you get your metal cut out at least 1/3 of the way? Did you turn in your disclosure statement today? If no to any of these questions what can you do before it effects you grade?