Massachusetts Administrator & Director of Nurses Wage and Benefit Update For The Massachusetts Chapter of the American College of Health Care Administrators North Hill – Needham Massachusetts Thursday June 5 th, 2008
Ma Chap-ACHCA FOOTNOTES Facilities are unique in their reporting needs and it is not uncommon to code general ledger items differently, which effects comparison reporting. Many facilities report FTE’s greater than 1.0 for Administrator and Wage benefit. Information provided is from publicly available data. Some organizations may compensate Administrator’s completely or partially through the HCF-3 Management Company cost report. Median equals the mid-point of cost reported. If Administrator HCF-1 listed $0 for Salary & $ in Purchase Service. The Purchase Service amount was used as Salary.
Ma Chap-ACHCA Mass. Administrator Wage & Benefits
Ma Chap-ACHCA Mass Administrator Wage & Benefits Not-for-Profit & For Profit
Ma Chap-ACHCA Massachusetts Counties
Ma Chap-ACHCA Administrator Median by County
Ma Chap-ACHCA Administrator Wage & Benefits 2007 vs 2006 Average Note: If Administrator HCF-1 listed $0 Salary & showed Purchase Service. The Purchase Service amount was used as salary.
Ma Chap-ACHCA Mass Director of Nurses Wage & Benefits
Ma Chap-ACHCA Director of Nurses Wage & Benefits Not for Profit / For Profit
Ma Chap-ACHCA Mass Administrator / Director of Nurses Average Wage & Benefit Comparison
Ma Chap-ACHCA Contact LarsonAllen LLP Richard J. Hamilton, CNHA, RPh., MBA Principal Health Care Thomas Patten Drive Randolph, MA Main: Fax: Cell: