Learning Target: Mitosis v. Meiosis I Can…Compare and contrast key points between the process of mitosis and the process of meiosis I Will… Describe the characteristics of somatic and gamete cells Distinguish between autosome and sex chromosomes Describe the resultant cells from mitosis and meiosis
10.4 In sexually reproducing organisms, each offspring contains a mix of characteristics inherited from both parents. D 36 Explain how meiosis contributes to the genetic variability of organisms. What makes you… YOU?!!
Two major groups of cells in the body: Somatic cells –Body cells e.g. skin cells, bone cells, muscle cells etc… Diploid – (2n) 2 copies of each chromosome DNA from these cells IS NOT passed on to offspring Germ/Gamete cells – Located in reproductive organs (Gonads); the ovaries and testes Develops into gametes (sex cells) Egg Sperm Haploid – (n) 1 copy of each chromosome DNA from these cells IS passed on to offspring
Each species has a characteristic number of chromosomes per cell Every body cell has an identical set of chromosomes (DNA Replication) Exception – mutation (change in nucleotide sequence) Cells are different because of different genes are expressed NOT because of containing different genes
Species chromosome number is not related to the complexity of an organism but… Important that the number remains constant for reproducing Change in number in animals is usually harmful or fatal Yeast 32 Fruit Fly 8 Fern >1200 Human 46
46 chromosomes in 23 pairs Half from mom ♀ Half from dad ♂ Autosomes – chromosome pairs #1 – 22 Contain genes not related to sex characteristics (gender) Chromosome pair # 23 – Sex Chromosomes Two versions Y – Smallest chromosome with fewest genes X – Larger also contains genes unrelated to sex characteristics
22 pairs of autosome chromosomes 1 pair of sex chromosomes XY = Male ♂ XX = Female ♀
Homologous chromosomes – two chromosomes with same length, shape and genes (not necessarily the same version) Alleles – different versions of gene
Mitosis Produces 2 genetically identical cells Diploid (2n) Occurs throughout lifetime Asexual reproduction Meiosis Produces 4 genetically unique cells Haploid (n) Occurs only when producing egg/sperm Sexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction – Fusion of gametes Offspring is mixture of parents’ genetics Fertilization – nuclei of egg and sperm fuse and form one nucleus
Cell Reproduction Mitosis V. Meiosis Somatic cells Diploid (2n) Occurs throughout organism’s lifetime in capable cells Results in 2 genetically identical diploid daughter cells Germ cells Starts as diploid (2n) Occurs only during reproductive stages of organism Results in 4 genetically unique haploid cells
Organism Reproduction Benefit: Quick No need to find mate Disadvantages: No genetic diversity = clone Benefit: Increases genetic diversity of species Disadvantages: Need to find a mate Asexual V. Sexual