V 2.1 Version 2.1 School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory
V 2.1 ▪ Define ▪ Purpose of School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory ▪ Process ▪ Who participates ▪ What pre-materials are needed ▪ Duration and Data-collection protocol ▪ Summary ▪ Resources Training Goals
V 2.1 Defining the TFI
V 2.1 ▪ The purpose of the School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is to provide an efficient and valid index of the extent to which PBIS core features are in place within a school. ▪ Tier I (Universal PBIS) ▪ Whole School Universal Prevention ▪ Tier II (Targeted PBIS) ▪ Secondary, Small Group Prevention ▪ Tier III (Intensive PBIS) ▪ Tertiary, Individual Support Prevention Purpose of the School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory
V 2.1 ▪ The School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) is intended to fulfill the same functions as the: ▪ Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) ▪ Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) ▪ Benchmarks of Advanced Tiers (BAT) ▪ PBIS Self-Assessment Inventory (SAS) ▪ Phases of Implementation (POI) ▪ The TFI addresses all three tiers, and focuses on those elements of PBIS that are most “core” to achieving student outcomes. ▪ There is no problem continuing to use prior measures. The TFI is intended to be more efficient, but other measures may be more comprehensive, and will remain available. Fit with Existing Assessment Instruments
V 2.1 ▪ Interested in where the TFI questions came from? ▪ TFI pulls questions from the other PBIS Assessment Tools ▪ Many questions are a combination of questions from the other assessment tools ▪ Some questions introduce new language and new “look fors” ▪ PBIS Assessment Crosswalk for the TFI PBIS Assessment Crosswalk for the TFI Tiered Fidelity Inventory Crosswalk
V 2.1 ▪ Primary purpose of the instrument is to help school teams improve ▪ Primary audience for instrument results is the team, faculty, families and administrators of the school. ▪ Effective use of the instrument requires multiple administrations (progress monitoring) SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is a team Self-Assessment
V 2.1 ▪ Formative Assessment ▪ Determine current PBIS practices in place and needed prior to launching implementation ▪ Progress monitoring ▪ Self-assess PBIS practices by tier to guide implementation efforts, and assess progress by tier ▪ Build action plan to focus implementation efforts ▪ Annual Self-Assessment ▪ Self-assess annually to facilitate sustained implementation of PBIS ▪ State Recognition ▪ Determine schools warranting recognition for their fidelity of PBIS implementation. Uses of the SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory
V 2.1 School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory Orientation of Administration
V 2.1 ▪ School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory is completed by a school team with a PBIS coach/facilitator. ▪ Before Inventory Assessment: Define schedule, personnel, review existing fidelity and impact data, and obtain relevant permanent products. Conduct a building walkthrough to identify data related to the school-wide acknowledgement system. ▪ During Inventory Assessment: For each item, review purpose, data sources, and standard. All team members vote to whether the item is not implemented, partially implemented, or fully implemented. The majority vote is recorded following an opportunity for discussion. Data are recorded on pbis.assessment.org ▪ After Inventory Assessment: At least one item is identified for active action planning to improve or sustain implementation. Administration Protocol
V 2.1 ▪ Schedule date and define expectations—time, people, materials ▪ Determine at this point which tiers will be reviewed ▪ Administration of Inventory ▪ Coach walkthrough- page of manual ▪ Recommended to have an external coach complete ▪ If team is completing more than once per year, internal coach is acceptable ▪ min per tier reviewed ▪ Action Plan Development ▪ May be done at same time or at a later meeting ▪ 20 min per tier reviewed Typical Sequence of Administration
V 2.1 ▪ Tier I ▪ School team organizational chart (if available) ▪ School/ District policies on social behavior/support ▪ Team meeting minutes (last 3 meetings) ▪ Student handbook ▪ Professional development plan for past year ▪ Prior PBIS fidelity measures (last two years) ▪ Student behavioral data summary for past month ▪ Major ODR/Day/Month compared to the national median ▪ Universal screening measures and process ▪ Any prior evaluation reports focused on social behavior ▪ Any reports to school administration or board focused on social behavior Possible Pre-Administration Documentation
V 2.1 ▪ The interview and observation portion of the SET ▪ Interview at least 5 staff members and ask them: ▪ What are the (school rules)? ▪ Have you taught them to students this year? ▪ Have you given out any _____ since ______? ▪ Interview at least 10 students: ▪ What are the school rules? ▪ Have you received any _____ since ______? ▪ Can be completed two ways: 1. By an External Reviewer for evaluation purposes. 2. By a member of the school team for progress monitoring purposes. Walkthrough Tool
V 2.1 Walkthrough Tool
V 2.1 ▪ The TFI is located on PBISApps.orgPBISApps.org ▪ Username and log-in required Nuts & Bolts
V 2.1 There is a powerpoint from pbis.org to guide your team through the TFI FeatureData Sources Scoring Criteria 0 = Not implemented 1 = Partially implemented 2 = Fully implemented Feature Name: Detailed description of the feature. ∙ Possible data sources 0 = descriptors of the feature not being implemented 1 = descriptors of the feature being partially implemented 2 = descriptors of the feature being fully implemented Main Idea: the essence of the feature.
V 2.1 ▪ Scoring 0 = descriptors of the feature not being implemented 1 = descriptors of the feature being partially implemented 2 = descriptors of the feature being fully implemented ▪ Self-Assessment ❑ Question ❑ Documentation ❑ Process ❑ Product ❑ Data Quick Check: Feature Name Reflective question to focus the conversation?
V 2.1 Reviewing Scoring & Action Planning
V 2.1 Data from the TFI
V 2.1 ▪ Total Score ▪ Subscale ▪ Sub-subscale ▪ Individual Items Summary Data and Reports Note: 70% is benchmark for Tier 1 to indicate “implementation at criterion” Criterion for Tiers 2 & 3 have not yet been determined.
V 2.1 Total Report
V 2.1 Scale Report
V 2.1 Subscale Report
V 2.1 ▪ Tier I ▪ Teams ▪ Implementation ▪ Evaluation ▪ Tier II ▪ Teams ▪ Interventions ▪ Evaluation ▪ Tier III ▪ Teams ▪ Resources ▪ Assessment ▪ Support plan ▪ Monitoring and adaptation Items Report
V 2.1 Action Planning Choose 1-3 items to take action on Develop a plan to share with staff to increase their knowledge and willingness to participate Your External Facilitator will help guide your action planning Data Based Decision Making
V 2.1 ▪ Targeted Interventions Reference Guide Map Targeted Interventions Reference Guide Map ▪ Tier III Support Plan Worksheet Tier III Support Plan Worksheet ▪ Action Planning Guide Action Planning Guide Supports for Tier II/Tier III and Action Planning ▪ TFI Manual TFI Manual ▪ Pre-Administration Documentation Pre-Administration Documentation ▪ TFI Crosswalk with PBIS Assessment Tools TFI Crosswalk with PBIS Assessment Tools ▪ Administering the TFI with Teams Slide Presentation Administering the TFI with Teams Slide Presentation Pre-Administration & Preparation TFI Resources
V 2.1 Version 2.1 School-wide PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory