The process by which people from foreign countries become U.S. citizens is called naturalization.naturalization There are three steps in this process: 1.File an application. The application asks for biographical information about the person. The person has his or her fingerprints taken, and provides photographs and legal documents. 2.Take a naturalization examination. The examination tests the applicant’s knowledge of U.S. government and history. The applicant must also pass an English test. 3.Appear for a court hearing. The applicant appears before a judge and asks to become a U.S. citizen. The judge will listen to the applicant’s reasons and will decide on naturalization.
To become a citizen, or to be naturalized, a person must meet certain requirements: Be at least 18 years old Have lived in the U.S. for at least 5 years Be of good moral character and loyal to the U.S. Be able to read, write, speak and understand basic English Have basic knowledge and understanding of the history, government structure and the Constitution of the U.S. Be willing to take an oath of allegiance to the U.S.
Citizenship The United States is sometimes referred to as a "nation of immigrants." You may have also heard the phrases "salad bowl" and "melting pot." In its short history the United States has seen many waves of immigrants come to its shores and borders. immigrants Fleeing political or religious persecution or searching for better economic conditions, many people have left their native lands to live in America.
This has resulted in a very diverse U.S. population. People living here have different heritages, religious beliefs, ethnicity, languages, and national origins. Though there are these differences, Americans are bound together by basic political values and principles described in historical documents.
However, living in the United States does not automatically make one an American citizen. Residents of the United States can be aliens, nationals, or citizens. Aliens are people who have emigrated from a foreign country. They have some of the same freedoms and legal rights as U.S. citizens, but they cannot vote in elections. American nationals are natives of American territorial possessions. They have all the legal protections which citizens have, but they do not have the full political rights of U.S. citizens. Persons born in the U.S. or born to U.S. citizens in foreign countries, are automatically citizens of the United States. Persons born in other countries who want to become citizens must apply for and pass a citizenship test. Those who become citizens in this manner are naturalized citizens.aliens nationalscitizens
Rights of Citizens A citizen is a person who is a full member of the U.S. Citizens owe loyalty or allegiance to their country. They can take an active part in helping to improve their community and the U.S. system of government. Some ways in which citizens can help govern their community are by: Nominating candidates to run for public office Voting for candidates who are nominated Holding public office at the local, state or national level Directing or organizing community affairs
Naturalized citizens can obtain federal government jobs (including those that require a security clearance), can travel with a U.S. passport, and can petition for close relatives to come to the U.S. to live. People who are not citizens do not have these rights. They do not receive all available benefits and are not eligible for all jobs.
Responsibilities of Citizens Citizens of the U.S. have the opportunity and the responsibility to participate in their government. This process of self-government ensures that power will always remain where it belongs - with the people. The government may call upon citizens to serve on a jury. If an individual is chosen for jury duty, he or she must stop work and attend the trial as long as he or she is needed. The members of the jury need to decide the case in as fair a way as they can. Men can be asked to serve in the armed forces. During times of war, any man who is physically able can be called upon to fight for the U.S. In peaceful times, there can be a draft or men and women can enlist voluntarily.
The most important right citizens have is the right to vote. By voting, the people have a voice in the government. The people decide who will represent them in the government. Officials can be voted in or out of office. Every person’s vote counts the same as another person’s vote. The right to vote is a duty or responsibility as well as a privilege. It is important for all citizens to vote in every election to make sure that the democratic, representative system of government is maintained. Persons who do not vote lose their voice in the government. Before voting in an election, each citizen should be well informed about the issues and candidates.
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