18-20 February, 2016 Organised By February, 2016 Title Sponsor Platinum Sponsor Al Bustan Rotana, Dubai Mr. Jim Giles Quality and Food Safety Expert
Roaster Issues: Infestation controls are prevention, inspection and packaging standards must use pest control programs, screens (netting), storage standards and limits, work in process controls (WIP), aspiration in the packing line also in packing line, tools to test for vacuum and modified atmosphere, inspections, reports, analysis of records and training. Foreign Material controls require staff compliance to hygiene and dress standards (GMP’s), glass and hard plastic controls and protection, tool and equipment that are cleanable, (and they are not possible source of contamination), inspections, controls and systems for detection including magnets and metal detectors, calibration of aspiration equipment effectiveness for foreign material removal (hair, testa, dust, paper), and quality system for recording results and analysis of findings February, 20162
Roaster Issues (contd): Grading must have adequate lighting, standard understanding and compliance, training and validation. Taste testing on each lot by a qualified person or panel that ensure organoleptic acceptability. Clumping/blocking controlled by moisture and vacuum control on the finished product. Food Safety requires plant and personnel GMP compliance, periodic safety testing for chemical residue and microbial status, cleaning procedures, animal control, inspection of facility, equipment and staff, design standards, exterior standards, container handling and cleaning February, 20163
General guidelines for all plants: Staff dress must assure all hair on both men and women are covered from cutting to packing. Clothes must be clean and free from contamination conditions, especially sequins. Aprons or smocks should be required after peeling. Visitors and management should observe same rules as staff. Pest control program is required. Some older structures have open areas between rooms, even if divided at ground level. This allows pest access to all areas. Insects must be prevented from entry by sealed doors and windows that have fine mesh mosquito netting. Domestic animals should not be in the cashew grounds. Pest monitoring using traps should be installed and insect electric traps need to be placed correctly, not over product, lights changed yearly and not exposed to open doors where they could attract insects into the area. Chemicals used must be safe and permitted by countries where product is transported February, 20164
General guidelines for all plants: Taste testing is critical for shelled cashews, this includes a roast test as defined in AFI specifications. AFI specifications should be available for reference and included in staff training programs. All glass and hard plastic needs to be protected and contained if breakage occurs. All rags used on product contact surfaces must be clean and free of fraying strings. Hand washing must be accessible to staff, equipped with soap and clean drying cloths and hand washing requirements enforced. Product containers should be cleanable, floor contact prohibited, undamaged, use restricted and covered when not in use. Stacked pans should avoid direct contact with cashews below. Eliminate wicker baskets and ensure a cleaning schedule that maintains the containers in a suitable and dry state February, 20165
General guidelines for all plants: (contd) Eliminate all non-food contact surfaces from processing. This includes wood contact because wood is difficult to clean and can splinter. Formica covered tables must be inspected and maintained to assure no breaks in the Formica. Seams should be easily cleaned. Avoid painting food contact surfaces and remove any peeling or flaking paint. All lubricants used must be food approved. Master Cleaning Schedule is needed in all facilities that include frequency, method, tools, cleaning chemicals, post cleaning inspection and program review. Quality is every ones responsibility but there should be one person designated to be Quality and Food Safety head February, 20166
General guidelines for all plants: (contd) Work In Process must be limited and processed within specified times. It must be covered with a sanitary cover and protected from infestation or any deterioration Packaging must include inspection, aspiration, sieving, metal detection and package assessment for integrity. Packaging material should be kept sanitary and not used for alternate purposes. Area should be separate from other areas, used only for cashew packing and access limited to staff required in area Tools recommended are: a.Moisture detector for cashew acceptance at delivery, in-process and finished product b.Vacuum gauge for finished package to confirm within range of standards c.Metal Detector or at least a magnet on all finished product filling lines d.Oxygen Analyzer for assuring correct modified atmosphere in finished package February, 20167
Social Compliance Audit Factory Visit: 1. Preparation for audit requires A. National regulations B. Meet with management to review audit points and obtain management’s comments C. Documentation review and request 2. Audit using ACA and/or external auditors A. System for compliance B. Documentation Reviewed including employee handbook and communications with staff C. Audit completion and grading D. Review of actions required E. Re-inspection if needed February, 20168
Social Compliance Audit (contd) 3. Areas for evaluation A. Child/Prison Labor 1. Review national regulations and company policies, is there an employee handbook 2. What are the verification procedures for age? 3. Observe staff during tour and follow-up if anyone appears to be underage 4. Regulatory enforcement program review 5. What is company policy and procedures relating to prison labor? B. Work Conditions 1. Is there adequate ventilation and lighting? 2. Condition of staff facilities for eating, changing personal storage, restrooms and washing? 3. What is the safety plan? 4. Are there any medical services available for staff? 5. Is any home processing done? Any co-manufacturing? February, 20169
Social Compliance Audit (contd) C. Pay 1. What is the country and company minimum wage? 2. How are results tracked and piece rate determined? 3.Documentation review D. Work Period 1. National regulations and company policy on work periods. 2. What are the times of work? 3. What are results if time period exceeded? E. Discrimination, Harassment, Abuse 1. Company instructions to staff and training conducted on subject 2. Employee recourse to violation 3. Documentation if occurs 4. How does staff know of the policy and procedure F. Freedom of Association !. Review national laws and company policy 2. How is freedom of association ensured 3. Record of staff training reviewed February,