Would you choose your boss based on gender? 56% = NO 44% = YES 32%11%
Do you have a “shaken snow globe” mind?
Prefrontal cortex (the boss) Left Brain (logic) Right Brain (emotion)
There’s No Crying in Baseball!
One more thing…
Experience Select Data Add Meaning Draw Conclusions Take Action Ladder of Inference
Experience Select Data Add Meaning Draw Conclusions Take Action Ladder of Inference Interrupt the story.
So how does the snow settle?
Mindfulness is the practice of bringing clarity and concentratio n to your moment-by- moment experience.
It’s the ability to see what’s happening... Not as we hoped it would be. Not as we expected it to be. Not seeing more or less. Not with judgments...
…but exactly what is here. Just as it Executive Director, Institute for Mindful Leadership
You can’t make good decisions in a mental state of frenzy worry anger or frustration.
Since choices create our reality... …we must own them.
Accepting your experience as it is… …allows you to respond versus react. (even if you don’t like it)
Mindfulness calms your biological triggers (allowing you to make better decisions as a result)
Because when the **** hits the fan… …you need to be on your game THE MOST.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. - Martin Luther King
Once you become more self aware you can help others do the same.
The events of your life do not change according to whether you are happy or unhappy about them.
The Four Questions For Wise Decision-Making 1. What am I noticing right now? 2. Can I make space for it? 3. Can I touch this with compassion? 4. What is the next right action?
Conscious pausing brings you back to the present where you can choose your response.
In the process, be on the lookout for emotion… …but don’t run from it.
If the cause of THIS is uncertainty…
WHAT IF we put more focus on things that don’t change? Management Key Drivers: Strategies Goals Benchmarks Leadership Key Drivers: Virtues Values Principles
Who HowWhat
Every interaction is a touchpoint.
The sum total of your touchpoints = YOUR REPUTATION
Your Reputation = Your Opportunities
Be still. And know.