“People are like stained- glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, American psychiatrist
Discipline Inquiry Anna Sheets and Maggie Faria
History Involves Multiple Activities and Purposes Lesson Plan: Puritan Day: A Social Science Simulation Understanding social control and tyranny. Exhibition involves the display of historical information, whether in school or out. Pg.2. NCCS Public Relations: There's no better way to shape attitudes than to give people the chance to see things for themselves.
The Goal of History Education Lesson Plan: “Maybe You Could Help?” Letters to Eleanor Roosevelt Students analyze letters written to Eleanor Roosevelt and draw conclusions about the community needs. How this demonstrates children's active participation in society. The purpose of history education should be to prepare students for participation in a pluralist democracy. Pg.9. NCCS goal of creating effective citizens.
History is More Than Politics Lesson Plan: Reflecting on the Great Black Migration by Creating a Newspaper. Uses primary sources to analyze events and create newspaper articles. People of color often have been omitted from the history curriculum. Pg.7. NCCS believes that it is not enough for students to memorize dates or locations on a map. Today’s social studies provides students with the knowledge, critical thinking skills and experiences that will allow them to grow into effective citizens.