Types of Tests 1. achievement vs. proficiency 2. formative vs. summative 3. norm-referenced vs. criterion-referenced 4. subjective vs. objective 5. direct vs. indirect 6. integrative vs. discrete point 7. backwash effect– harmful vs. beneficial
Content 1. vocabulary (multiple choice) 2. cloze test (multiple choice) 3. reading comprehension (multiple choice) 4. optional context (match) 5. (idioms& phrases) translation (gap-fill) 6. sentence combining& rewriting 7. short-answer questions
achievement vs. proficiency formative vs. summative norm- referenced vs. criterion- referenced 99 學年度第二 學期畢業考外 三英文寫作試 題 achievementsummativecriterion- referenced
1. vocabulary (multiple choice) subjective vs. objective objectiveFixed answers direct vs. indirectindirect integrative vs. discrete point discrete pointOnly focus on vocabs backwash effect– harmful vs. beneficial harmfulMemorizing only
2. cloze test (multiple choice) subjective vs. objective objectiveFixed answers direct vs. indirectindirect integrative vs. discrete point integrativeMany skills required backwash effect– harmful vs. beneficial beneficialGrammar, logic
3. reading comprehension (multiple choice) subjective vs. objective objectiveFixed answers direct vs. indirectindirect integrative vs. discrete point integrativeVocabs, grammar, logic backwash effect– harmful vs. beneficial beneficialReading skills
4. optional context (match) subjective vs. objective objectiveFixed answers direct vs. indirectindirect integrative vs. discrete point integrativeVocabs, grammar, logic backwash effect– harmful vs. beneficial harmfultricky
5. (idioms& phrases) translation (gap-fill) subjective vs. objective objectiveFixed answers direct vs. indirectindirect integrative vs. discrete point discrete pointidioms& phrases backwash effect– harmful vs. beneficial beneficialUsage
6. sentence combining& rewriting subjective vs. objective objectiveFixed answers direct vs. indirectindirect integrative vs. discrete point discrete pointGrammar only backwash effect– harmful vs. beneficial harmful/ beneficial Some “skills” might be useful, but some aren’t.
7. short-answer questions subjective vs. objective subjectiveallowed reasonable answers direct vs. indirectindirect integrative vs. discrete point integrativereading, writing, vocabs backwash effect– harmful vs. beneficial beneficialConversation skills, daily dialogues