La ofrenda Read the handout on the ofrenda. Color the pieces from the packet in class on the first day, then at home as homework. Use colored pencils or crayons only, and color darkly so the colors are vibrant. Bring your colored pieces to school the next class period, with SCISSORS and GLUE. In class, fold an altar following the instructions on the PowerPoint. In class, cut and glue your pieces to the altar, following traditional Mexican style. If you need more time, take it home to finish. The ofrenditas will be put on display at school, so make sure it looks nice! Put your name and class period on the back of your altar.
Grading To meet standard… (B) The altar is folded and cut correctly and stands up on its own without falling over/leaning. 85% of the pieces were used. Pieces are cut on the lines, colored within the lines, and glued to the altar nicely (not falling off). The design of your altar follows traditional Mexican ofrendas. Your colors are vibrant – colored darkly, not just lightly shaded in. You used pencils or crayons. It is turned in on time. To go above and beyond… (A, A+) Dedicate your altar to someone by adding their picture to the top of your altar (small picture) and their name is somehow incorporated into the altar. Add on extra decorations, such as sequins, feathers, glitter… Due date: _______________________________________________________________
La ofrenda: ejemplos
Paso 1 Fold your thick paper hamburger style
Paso 2 Starting on the fold, cut two lines of equal length. Cut in about half the length of the folder paper. Folded edge
Paso 3 Fold up the flap you just made. Make a crease where the dotted line is.
Paso 4 Open the paper up completely. Reverse the creases you made from step 3.
Paso 5 Turn it around so you see the back side.
Paso 6 Pinch the fold with your fingers. Cut two lines like you did in step 2, cutting through just 2 layers of paper.
Paso 7 Fold up this flap like you did in step 3. Push it out so it forms a new tier on the altar.
Paso 8 Now decorate your altar with the cut-outs, glue, glitter, tissue paper, and other decorations.
Ejemplos de ofrendas