Caroline Lowcher Senior Graduation Project OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING
Shadowing Response Mike Muglia, Field Research Coordinator at the Coastal Studies Institute (CSI) AND Ocean Observing Specialist for Dr. Harvey Seim at UNC Chapel Hill Field Research Facility – fixed the receiving antenna
Offshore Oil Drilling Uses oil found along US’s coast Crude oil is formed as a fossil fuel within rock layers under the ocean’s floor Seismology – 10% success rate
Offshore Oil Drilling PROS More dependence, less reliance on foreign countries Lower gas prices Job opportunitiesCONS Oil spills – harm marine life, environment, affect coastal economies (tourism industry) Will not see immediate reduction of gas prices Technology used is harmful to animals Explosions kill humans
Product Design & Detail Initiate a beach clean up that will draw in high schoolers and members of the Surfrider Foundation. Trash is harmful to marine life. Some animals confuse it for food and die from eating garbage.