About divergent plates. By Shimon
Divergent plates. When the divergent boundary happens it creates a convection current and it creates a mid-ocean ridge. An example of this is in the mid-atlantic trench. Fun fact about divergent plates create valleys. "Divergent Plate Boundaries." Divergent Plate Boundaries. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec
Divergent plate image.
Convergent. A convergent boundary happens when a plate and another plate collide and form a mountain. This happens in Himalaya's. "Convergent Plate Boundaries." Convergent Plate Boundaries. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec Fun fact about convergent boundary cause mountains to form.
Transform boundary. A transform boundary happens when two plates slide next to each other. This happens in the San andreas fault. a fun fact about transform boundary is That they do not create anything or Or destroy anything.
Hot spot. A hot spot happens hot spot are when magma rocks melt to make magma. This happens in Hawaii.
Fun fact about hot spot is they created Hawaii.
The end Help by Ms. Hokinson Victor Google Zeeke