Dive into the Common Core State Standards with Technology Connections Mark Archon, Ed.D. Director, Instructional Technology Services Fresno County Office of Education 1DKBipB
Instructional Goals/Objectives ●develop an understanding of how specific technology skills are integrated into the Common Core State Standards. ●participate in cooperative learning structures as a model... In this session, participants will...
Integration of Standards
Technology Standards?
We Learn to Do the Work by Doing the Work Principle #6 Instructional Rounds in Education
Technology Skills Showdown
What evidence do you have that indicates that the “Showdown” activity incorporated elements of the 4cs?
Tech Skills FlipChart
Standards Planning
Lesson Processing ●What technology skills would you or your students need to address the standard? ●What hardware and software are needed to address the standard? ●What professional learning is needed? ●What additional standards require technology?
Take Away
Flip Chart - Statewide Publications and Printing (559) statewideprint.com/ Free Resource tinyurl.com/fcoeelatech