1865-1877.  13 th Amendment: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,


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Presentation transcript:

 13 th Amendment: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States.  Improvement on the Emancipation Proclamation

 While watching a theatrical performance of Our American Cousin Lincoln was shot in the head and never regained consciousness  Killed by John Wilkes Booth ◦ 26 year old

 1 st How do you restore the south into regular life with the Union?  2 nd What do you do with the 4 million African Americans that have been freed from slavery?

 Lincolns Plan: ◦ Lenient to the south  (food and supplies) ◦ 10 percent plan  (loyalty pledge)  What are some possible problems with this plan?

 Andrew Johnsons plan: ◦ Would not allow wealthy landowners or high ranking officials to take pledge of loyalty. ◦ Pardoned 13,000 men ◦ Similar to Lincolns ◦ Reaction:  Many of the remaining ex-Confederate states sent legislators to congress but were denied by Congress  Tried to enlarge Freedmen’s Bureau and Civil Rights Act but both vetoed by Johnson!  Why?

 Congressional Plan: ◦ In mid 1866 the legislative branch tried to control reconstruction efforts ◦ Overrode president on FB and Civil Rights Act ◦ Passed 14 th Amendment (Cannot deny rights to a natural born citizen) –Dred Scott overturned ◦ Divided south into 5 military districts  Johnson veto but overridden again

 Congress impeaches president (not convicted by senate)  U.S. Grant wins (Republican) by a small margin  Northerners change the south: ◦ Scalawags- were white southerners who joined the republican party. ◦ Carpetbaggers-Northerners who moved to the south ◦ African Americans- voted with northerners (15 th A)

 The Good: ◦ Now granted full membership into many churches and even started up some churches of their own ◦ Before 95% of slaves had been illiterate so schools were created to assist ex-slaves gain an education ◦ Many moved away from their towns to find family members ◦ Hiram Revels-First African American senator

 The Bad: ◦ Sharecropping became a necessity for many  The Ugly: ◦ Ku Klux Klan (KKK) became popular in the south in the 1870’s ◦ Amnesty act- Gives 150K confederates voting rights  Many of these voters were “Redeemers” who wanted to restore the South's dominance ◦ Freedmen's Bureau expires ◦ Bank crisis of 1873 diverts attention from south ◦ Tilden vs. Hayes election of 1876  Ends reconstruction efforts