Kennedy and the Great Society American History (B) Chapter 28 C. Simmons
Election of 1960 First time Presidential debates are televised John F. Kennedy (D) and Richard Nixon (R) Both used Cold War and Soviet threat as campaign issues JFK won in one of the closest elections in history
Kennedy Mystique JFK was unknown 6 months before election His youth, optimism, and charisma inspired Americans Inaugural address “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” First president to televise press conferences
Good and Bad on the Homefront JFK’s agenda was called New Frontier Split in Democratic Party (Southern Democrats) Warren Court and activism Reapportionment – political districts “one man one vote” Due Process – every person treated equally Separation of church and state (school prayer)
Discussion What role did Warren Court play in shaping national policy? Why/How did JKF become so popular?
Kennedy and the World JFK moved away from brinksmanship toward flexible response – small build up Supported use of Special Forces to wage guerilla warfare Peace Corps – helped developing nations deal with poverty The Space Race b/t US and USSR, each wanting to dominate earth and space
Crises of the Cold War Bay of Pigs – JFK armed Cuban exiles to invade country but failed (air support) The Berlin Wall was built separating East and West Berlin Cuban Missile Crisis – Soviet missiles discovered in Cuba Nuclear war was feared, but both sides reached agreements to remove the missiles
Death of a President November 22, 1963 JFK was shot twice in the head during a motorcade in Dallas Lee Harvey Oswald was accused of the assassination and was killed two days later by Jack Ruby. Conspiracy theory and the Warren Commission Lyndon B. Johnson would take control
Discussion Why was the Bay of Pigs so damaging to American foreign policy? Why do conspiracy theories persist over the JFK assassination?
LBJ’s Presidency Elimination of poverty a major goal (war on poverty) More social legislation than FDR out of LBJ’s administration (focused on consensus) Creation of Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) – create jobs/fight poverty LBJ re-elected in 1964 in landslide
The Great Society Great Society - promise of more perfect and equitable society over 60 programs passed, Medicare and Medicaid, Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Head Start Department of Housing and Urban Development – Robert Weaver first African American to serve in cabinet position Immigration Reform Act of 1965
Legacy of Great Society Impacted and improved many lives Opposition to Great Society because of intrusion into their lives Some programs and decisions are still debated today
Discussion What was the LBJ administration known for in domestic policy? What was the idea of the Great Society?