Systemic Proces Consultation Kaospiloterne Team 16 Wednesday 31 August 2010
Remeber Key words from yesterday Revisit the proces leader picture
What is AI? The study of what works and what can be created from that position Appreciate: to value and admire, affirm and recognize strengths Inquire: to explore and discover, to investigate, to be open to see new potential The study of what works and what can be created from that position
AI started in the USA in the beginning of the 1980 as an alternativ to strategic planing and change management in organisations where they primarly focused on problem identification – and the solving of this. Developed by David L. Cooperrider og S. Srivastva
5 What does appreciation mean to you?
6 Appreciate (AI)AcknowledgeAdore/ say something nice Acknowledge, appreciate, adore
7 Acknowledge – from a systemic perspective Maturana and autopoiesis: Everyone does his/her very best from his logics and intention The proces leader strives to: Understand the logic of the significant other – the client, the participants, co - leader We can acknowledge the intention but not agree on the action
8 Acknowledge To be met, to be seen, to be heard from your OWN logics and premises. And to be experienced as a unique and significant other person From a systemic perspective : To acknowledge can only be an intention since we can never really know if you acknowledge the other 100 % - (autopoesis) So to acknowledge can only be an sincere curiousity on the other person´s intention and tryings- eventhough it might mean that you have to investigate the simple/ the obvious
9 Appreciate (AI)Acknowledge To appreciate : What we focus on will we create/get more off. What do we want more off? How can we close to what grows? ”In all organisations is there something which works al” Appreciative Inquiery (AI) David A. Cooperrider Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University
10 Acknowledgement/ appreciation Hegel & Honneth – alle people have a need to be seen, to be heard, to be understood HUMAN WAY OF BEING - private life: love, family and friends - social life: work and community - society life: rights and participation Cooperrider - Apreciative Inquiry –to focus and appreciate what works and what is a success A FOCUS THAT WE CAN CHOOSE - what we focus on, gets real - we create the future by bringing the best experiences with us - we create the furure by focusing on our dreams and wishes
11 The language of lacking vs. The language of ressources The language of lacking Focuses on problems, needs, mistakes, negativity. What you can not do and what does not work Creates situation where people – Get seperated – Get isolated – Do not feel good enough – Feel misunderstood Language of ressources Focuses on posibilities, succes, ressources. What you can do and what is possible Creates situation where people – Get together – Are part of a community – Experience themselves as competent – Fell understood Inspirered by Kenneth Gergen
12 Lacking versus Ressource language Questions that create problem focused communication ? What is the problem ? Why is that a problem ? What do you do to contribute to that prolem? Who´s fault is it?? Which soultions do you see? Which barriers will you meet on your way? Questions that create ressourcebased communication ? What are you reaching for? to Hvad ønsker du at opnå? How will you know when you have obtained what you wanted?? What is working now? What happend? How can you see a change? Which journey will you go into ? How will other notice that you are getting better?
13 ”Behind every frustration there is a broken dream” Peter Lang
14 8 appreciative principles for AI 1.What we focus on grows 2.In every system, organisation or group you always find something which works 3.The reality is created in this very moment and is created by people with different realities (multivers) 4.In a process where a question is asked to a system, an organisation or a group, it will have some influence on it. 5.People have more selfconfidence when they investigate the future and a reality they already know as working well 6.What you bring from the past, should be the best 7.It is important to appreciate and acknowledge the differencies 8.The language we use creates our reality
DISCOVERY Appreciate -the best of what is DREAM Imagine -what could be? DESIGN Determine - what should be? DESTINY Create - what will be?
16 Key words: the door to the other persons logic Keywords are significant words which pops up in the conversation Key words can open new doors (landscape and maps) Curiousity Rule of curiousity: Never take anything for granted !!!
17 Be curious on the obvious Curiousity - Neutrality - Curiousity - Irreverens Put it into practice - Key words - Investigate the logic - Ask for the intention - Explore the hidden story - Stay with yourself Milk (low fat) Bread Butter Eggs Lemons
Karl Tomm
THE DETECTIVE © Tove Krebs Lange Who is involved? How long has this been going on? What does it mean to you? And to others? Describe the situation where you experienced that challenge What did you do in that situation? Who was involved? Where were you? What are the best experinces you have with this kind of challenges ? Who do you usually share your challenges with? who are they? How will you describe your challenge?
THE ANTROPOLOGIST © Tove Krebs Lange What will the other in your team say about this challenge? What will they say about your way to handle it? What is the greatest different in how you experience it and how the other see it? In which sitaution/contexts have you experiencde that is was difficult to handle? What could I not avoid to appreciate in our way of handling this challenge? What will be the most positive effect you will experience when you have handled this challenge? If I ask your teamleader what will she say about the challenge?
THE FUTURIST – EKSEMPLER PÅ SPØRGSMÅL © Tove Krebs Lange lets imagine that you are able to handle this type of challlenges in an ideal way, how would you then do? Dscribe this ideal situation as good as possible How do you think other will describe this situation? How could you paint a picture or create a metaphor for the future situation? What would be most important to succes with? Which positive change could it make for you in the furure if you hanlde this challenge in an ideal ? How will you celebrate the succes when you have reach the ideal situation? If a miracle happend this night and your challenge was fixed tomorrow, how would it then look like? what would be changed?
THE CAPTAIN © Tove Krebs Lange Which of the possibilities you have metioned do you believe most in ? When did you do anything about this challenge? What would be the smallest step with the biggest effect you can take? Which are your first step to take? Hvilken positiv udvikling vil vi allerede kunne se om 1 måned, når du har taget dette skridt? Who will help you to keep on paying attention to your journey and your steps? Which goals/ milestones do you have for the next three months? What have you obtained next time we meet?