Outcomes & Objectives Objectives To use evidence, both written and pictorial, to find out about Oswald’s background and life. To link the findings to the case to answer why Oswald would want JFK dead. Outcomes 1. Study the written information regarding Oswald’s life from the Word document, and the pictorial evidence from the PowerPoint. 2. Copy-&-Paste a relevant statement from the Word file onto each image in the PowerPoint. 3. Arrange the images into chronological order. 4. Answer the question ‘Why would Oswald want JFK dead?’ 5. EXTENSION – using the internet, get an image for as many of the Word statements that you haven’t yet used. The USA in the Twentieth-Century: Why was JFK assassinated? History Key Stage 3 C20th World Task Why would Lee Harvey Oswald want JFK dead? Image Source news_images/jfk.jpg
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