August 30 th -31st Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God August 30 th -31st Bellwork: Are people basically good? Why or why not? Give specific examples to support your theory. (1/2 page) Common Core Standards: RI6-. Imagery RI3-Key ideas and details (allusion)
Literary terms Imagery: imagery includes the "mental pictures" that readers experience with a passage of literature. Imagery can be for any sense: sight, smell, touch, etc. Simile:a comparison between to unlike things using the adverbs like or as. Allusion: A figure of speech making casual reference to a famous historic or literary figure or event or work of literature. Parallelism: the use of similar grammatical construction to express ideas that are related or equal in importance
Assignment #1 Find 3 specific examples of each: Imagery Simile Allusion(Biblical) Parallelism Write specific examples from the text citing with page and line numbers. How do allusions, imagery, similes, and parallelism increase the persuasive appeal of Edward’s sermon?
Exit ticket In the 18 th century people died at a much younger age than they do today. How might the awareness of this frailty of life have affected people’s receptiveness to Edward’s sermons?