Optics practice and review Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Unit 8: EM Spectrum/Optics Tuesday, 3/17 Pick up a warm-up sheet Pick up a Spring fever article and do the following: Read the article Commit to three things you will do to combat ‘spring fever’ and finish the year strong and with pride. Write your commitments on your warm-up (you will have 5 minutes to complete) Upcoming dates: Thursday, 3/19 – Optics review due when the late bell rings – it is worth 20% of your test grade. Monday, 3/23 –EM Spectrum/Optics test Friday, 3/27 – open note quiz Thursday, 4/2 – 5SW extra credit due by 4:30 Friday, 4/3 – open note quiz Thursday, 4/9 – Electricity test (grade will go on the 6SW) Friday, 4/10 – End of 5SW
Mirror Video – 20 minutes to complete Start at 2:25 and end at 17:35 When you have completed your video notes see me so I can record your grade.
Ray Diagram Review