EEE: PILOT RUN Status of CAGLIARI telescopes November 6, 2014 Corrado Cicalo, Stefano Boi, Luisella Stori, Giulia Murtas, Federico Cinus
Posizione dei telescopi 500 m 2500 m 2350 m
CAGLIARI telescopes, Pilot RUN Data collected up to now (since , up to today) CAGL-01: events CAGL-02: events CAGL-03: events
Amphenol cables swapped on CAGL-01 and CAGL-03 Problem found and solved BEFORE the starting of the PILOT RUN
PROBLEMS…. NOISE from a conditioning unit located at 39m from the telescope (ASL building)
Noise on CAGL-01 39m Active sometimes in the night to filter oil. When working, strong noise on CAGL-01. Data not usable. Fortunately up to now. Only one night. BAD RUNS: from 35 to from 1 to 110
More problems… CAGL-03. strong random noise, reason unknown. Permanent strips, very high rate (kHz!). Data useless. From run 39 on 29/10/14 to 02/11/14. Back from 3/11/14 without special intervention.
GPS crosscheck In CAGLIARI we have: – CAGL-01 and CAGL-02 equipped with SPECTRACOM GPS (since 1-2 years) – CAGL-03 equipped with HYTEC GPS CAGL-03: crosschecked data with V15 and V20 ANALYZER software. Found inconsistencies with V20, (probably known problem?). With V15 data seem regular.
run_number,event_number,secs_since_ ,nanosec,microseconds_since_start_of_run track: unit_vector_x,unit_vector_y,unit_vector_z,chi_squared,time of flight[ns],track length[cm] ANALYZER V20 Telescope CAGL-03 GPS HYTEC (VME)
run_number,event_number,secs_since_ ,nanosec,microseconds_since_start_of_runtrack: unit_vector_x,unit_vector_y,unit_vector_z,chi_squared,time of flight[ns],track length[cm] ANALYZER V15 Telescope CAGL-03 GPS HYTEC (VME)
Crosscheck Analyzer V15-V20 ANALYZERV15 run_number,event_number,secs_since_ ,nanosec,microseconds_since_start_of_runtrack: unit_vector_x,unit_vector_y,unit_vector_z,chi_squared,time of flight[ns],track length[cm] ANALYZERv CAGL-01 GPS SPECTRACOM
Search for coincidences CAGL-01/CAGL-02 DATA sample: OCTOBER NOVEMBER. Five full days. Bad RUNS on CAGL-01 removed.
CAGL-01 CAGL-02: 5 days nocut ANALYZER V20 (C++ CODE) ANALYZER V15 (FORTRAN CODE) Identical DATA set BAD RUNS on CAGL-01 removed ( up to run 110)
CAGL-01 CAGL-02: 5 days ANALYZER V15 (FORTRAN CODE) ANALYZER V20 (C++ CODE) Identical DATA set BAD RUNS on CAGL-01 removed ( up to run 110) Cut on CHI2 and tetarel
Identical DATA set: OCT NOV BAD RUNS on CAGL-01 removed ( up to run 110) Cut on CHI2 and tetarel
CAGL-01 CAGL-03: one day, no correlation
Difference in the 2 CAGL-02 2 telescope CAGL-02 ANALYZERV15 ANALYZERV20 No difference found in CAGL-01
Conclusion Three telescope running. Problems. Good data to test hardware/software and GPS. Coincidences search: process all the statistics. Add CAGL-03 data. Crosscheck with 2011 data needed. Need an independent system to Check GPS timing stamp. Work in progress!
Cut only on CHI2