Year 6 SAT’s Parent’s (and children’s!) Information Evening
What are SAT’s? National Curriculum assessments; Taken by all children at the end of KS2 who are working at a National Curriculum Level 3 or above; Used to see which children have achieved the recognised standard of a NC L4 Taken for both English and Mathematics; Take place in the week beginning 12 th May 2014.
SAT’s week Monday – Reading; Tuesday – Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar; Wednesday – Maths; Thursday – Maths. No writing test (or Science)
What will happen in the tests? Tests take between 15 minutes to 1 hour to complete; They are all timed; Tests will begin at 9:30am each morning; Breakfast and a good nights sleep is highly recommended! NOTHING TO PANIC OR STRESS ABOUT!
Reading This year the test has changed, the test is now a full 60 minutes long. During that time, they will have a selection of different texts to read and questions to answer based on the text. There are 4 different types of questions – Deductive, Inferential, Authorial and Literal; Deductive, Inferential, Authorial and Literal Range of answers required; A level is given at the end of this test.
GPS (aka SPAG) Made up of 2 tests. A 45 minute test on grammar, punctuation and vocabulary A 15 minute spelling test The score from this test is added to the writing teacher assessment level AND the reading level to gain an overall English level.
Mathematics Made up of 3 tests; 2x45 minute papers – calculators are no longer used A 20 minute mental maths test – questions given on a CD Questions get more challenging the further through the paper you get
Targets Children all given a target level for each subject for them to try and achieve. Generated based upon their KS1 SAT results from Year 2 L = L3 L = L4 L = L5 Some challenges extended if already achieved.
Revision Maths revision guides provided – set pages to be completed each week English overview revision guides provided – work through with your child or for them to complete as they choose. GPS and Reading books to be used in school Not going to overload with homework!
Homework Comprehension – 45 mins approx Maths revision guide – 30 to 60 mins Literacy revision guide – your choice (but practice on spelling rules at least encouraged.) Home readers – reading for pleasure!
Boosters Extra session to help with achieving a certain level Level 4 Maths group. Level 4 English group. Level 5 Maths group. Level 5 English group.
Parent’s evening Focus on TARGETS and progress made towards them Discuss key areas need to work on within each area
So… …they are something we have to do… …but nothing to worry about… …the world won’t end if you get a question wrong! Yes, you want to do well…and we are here to help! Have a look at some of the current practise test papers, designed on the new style SAT’s