| Slide 1 Reporting Requirements Michael Nagy Umweltbundesamt Wien Workshop on Environment Statistics Budapest, 23 April 2004
| Slide 2 Contents of the presentation Reporting Trends on EU level Waste water data required for international reporting Institutional aspects JQ vs. UWWTD and WFD Cyclic procedure of data management Conclusion
| Slide 3 Intern. Conv. M S Public EEA COM Member States Data Information Data treatment REPORTING – Current Situation © DG ENV
| Slide 4 Intern. Conv. M S Public EEA COM Member States Data Useful Information Data treatment / aggregation Compliance checking Policy Effectiveness SoE Trends An. Purposes for reporting Drivers for data collection REPORTING – Trends and Visions © DG ENV
| Slide 5 REPORTING - Examples for ‚Useful Information‘ Agglomerations Definition Location Load Collecting system UWWTPs and IWWTPs Definition Population connected Treatment type Treated load Annual volumes and loads discharged NACE JQ, WFD NUTS RQ Receiving water body UWWTP, WFD Catchment area WFD ….
| Slide 6 REPORTING – Information Needs on Emissions Data Eurostat / OECD Joint Questionnaire EEA Urban waste water treatment (UWWT-Directive) EPER (IPPC-Directive) PRTR (Arhus Conv.) Water Framework Directive International Conventions (Danube, Rhine, Barcelona,…) National Reports …
| Slide 7 INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS Information Needs Statistical Institutes Authorities (Ministry, Env. Inst.,…) JQ Aggregated Full coverage Point sources and diffuse NACE UWWTD Disagreggated Selected agglomerations Selected industries Link to receiving bodies National Statistics Disaggregated – aggregated Full coverage - samples NACE Nat. Env. Reports Aggregated Link to catchment area Link to quality data etc. International Conv. Disaggregated Selected sources
| Slide 8 INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS Ministry of Environment National Statistical Institute EC – DG ENVEC - EUROSTAT JQ UWWD, WFD,... Communication?Data consistency?Communication! EEA
| Slide 9 INSTITUTIONAL ASPECTS EC – DG ENV Compliance check Infringement Implem. Reports EEA Statist. Reports Indicator Reports EC - EUROSTAT
| Slide 10 JQ vs. UWWTD and WFD REPORTING Reporting Requirements JQUWWTDWFD Population connected Nationally aggreg. Nat. aggr. River basin district (RBD) UWWTPs Nationally aggreg. All Individual Selected RBD aggreg. Waterbody aggreg. Selected Agglomerations - Individual Selected - Load connected Nationally aggreg. Total Individual Selected RBD aggreg. Industries Nationally aggreg. All Nat. aggr. Selected RBD aggreg. Waterbody aggreg. Selected Diffuse sources Nationally aggreg. All - RBD aggreg. Selected WG on UWWTD-Reporting
| Slide 11 JQ vs. UWWTD REPORTING Data for UWWTD reporting
| Slide 12 Cyclic Procedure of Data Management Water management and nat. statistics Information needs Data manag. strategy Monitoring points Sample collection Laboratory analyses Data handling Data analysis Reporting Information utilization Cyclic procedure JQ
| Slide 13 CONCLUSION Economic needs (e.g. accounting of treated waste water volumes or pollutants) Operation of treatment plants (measurements for finetuning of processes) Enforcement data: Permitted water discharges Surveillance monitoring (water inspectors, self-monitoring) Waste water data for statistics is often a by- product
| Slide 14 CONCLUSION Authorities National Statistical Institutes Operators and their associations Environment Agencies Universities or other basic research institutions Usually the following partners are involved
| Slide 15 CONCLUSION Answering of the question: What do we need to know? Legal basis Administration of parameters: Clear definition of parameters (how to measure, frequency of measurements, way of calculation,...) Numbering and definition of parameters Mandatory and optional information New information to be collected Information not to be collected in the future Technical agreements for electronic data exchange Institutional co-operation needs:
| Slide 16 CONCLUSION Agreed terminology (glossary, water flow scheme) Defined data flows Legal basis (law, contract,...) Defined responsibilities (data producer, data validation, data keeping, administration of parameters...) Identification of information to be kept at national reporting level Defined data collection frequencies Agreements on data exchange formats Duplicable calculation methodologies Assessment of data quality Priorisation of data from different data sources Requirements for Consistency
| Slide 17 Thank you very much for your attention! Michael Nagy