TrailRider The TrailRider is a wheelbarrow like device, designed to transport a person with mobility impairment in wilderness settings. It has one tire, like those used on small aircraft, which sits directly under its passenger. Handles extend both forward and back from the frame where the pulling, pushing, balancing and steering are done. The right rear handle also has a drum brake.
Bicycles Tandems offer the support of a companion for balance and navigation Hand Cycles are hand and arm powered tricycles which come in either upright touring models or low riding performance bikes EZ-3 are recumbent trikes for easier balance., various designs accommodate people in an upright seated position or a more recumbent mode
The Sit-Ski is a sitting position ski developed for individuals with lower extremity limitations. The Sit-Ski is usually preferred by people with significant physical limitations. The Mono-Ski is for individuals who ski in a sitting position. A mono-skier would need good upper body strength, balance and trunk mobility. The skier sits in a molded seat (bucket) mounted to a frame above a single ski. A shock absorber links the frame to the ski. The Bi-Ski is for individuals who ski in a sitting position. A bi-skier sits in a molded fiberglass shell above two specially designed skis. The two skis give a wider base and better balance than a mono-ski.
United States Adaptive Recreation Center