©2007 Dr. Karl Squier 1 Program Implementation Management Toolkit 6 Documenting Your Roles and Accountabilities and Policies and Protocols
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier 2 A Process to Be Managed A primary goal for our profession is to implement comprehensive school counseling programs based on the ASCA National Model in all K-12 schools Implementing a comprehensive program is a complex set of activities that needs to be managed An Administrative Handbook is used to document school counselor roles and accountabilities, policies for operating the counseling program and protocols for delivering the program
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier 3 Roles and Accountabilities The counselor’s role and accountabilities must be clearly delineated to maximize the contribution of counselors to student success and school reform Counselor accountability is demonstrated by achieving what we say we are going to do in our strategic and annual plans
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier 4 Policies and Protocols Policies are adopted by the School Committee for the district Individual schools may have their own policies (e.g., school-based learner expectations) Protocols identify the steps to be taken to implement the policy and who is primarily responsible for the successful completion of each step Standardized forms used in the protocol are referenced in the protocol and available as electronic templates or reproduction masters
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier 5 Benefits of Clearly-Defined Policies and Protocols Allows easy access to district policies impacting school counseling Provides standardized processes for the efficient operation of the counseling program Clarifies misperceptions regarding what school counselors do Provides documented material to train new counselors and building leaders
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier 6 TK6 Tasks I n TK6, you will be asked to: Diagnose your current documentation and identify areas for improvement Develop role and accountability statements for school counselors Document policies and protocols that govern the counseling environment Assemble a district-wide Administrative Handbook