Persuasive Introductions
Purpose Persuasive papers can often be referred to as argumentative essays. The entire purpose is to argue or persuade.
Must Have Elements Every persuasive introduction must have the following basic elements… Pick a stance ( one side of the issue) Address a specific audience Have a call to action
Big Question…. Considering our discussion on soft skills and the articles we have read in class, persuade a school sponsor on why you should be chosen to participate in his or her organization.
Ways to begin a persuasive page Fragment and a definition Or Figurative Language
Figurative Language Dear ___(sponsor’s name)___, Like cookies need milk, every organization needs someone who possesses the soft skills that will make their team successful. These traits help all members to socialize, converse, and work well with each other. Just like in the articles I read about recently, these skills could benefit the people involved in your organization as well. Due to the soft skills that I could offer, I would like to be considered for __(name of organization)___.
Figurative Language Outline Dear ___(sponsor’s name)___, [ Insert simile here], every organization needs someone who possesses the soft skills that will make their team successful. These traits help all members to socialize, converse, and work well with each other. Just like in the articles I read about recently, these skills could benefit the people involved and your organization as well. Due to the soft skills that I could offer, I would like to be considered for [__(name of organization)___].
Definition Dear __(sponsor’s name)__, Soft skills. The many characteristics in a person’s life that allow them to socialize, converse, and work well with others. These traits are important in solving conflicts not only in issues involving our world today, but in organizations in our school as well. Due to the soft skills that I can offer, I would like to be considered for _(name of organization)_.
Dear __(sponsor’s name)__, [ Insert Trait. Write a brief definition.] Traits such as this one are important in solving conflicts not only in issues involving our world today, but in organizations in our school as well. Due to the soft skills that I can offer, I would like to be considered for [ _name of organization_].
Draft your introduction. You may use one of the outlines for help.
Revision #1 - Introduction Hook Highlight your hook in yellow. Details and Background Info. Highlight in pink. Thesis Sentence Highlight in orange Place a star * next to your audience. * Dear Mrs. West,
Body Paragraphs Body paragraphs are the next three paragraphs in your essay after the introduction. The main things to remember is TEXT structure.
Body Paragraph #1 Title of Source: “Bill of Rights” I.Leadership is needed for any team to be successful. E1: James Madison defied the odds in passing the Bill of Rights. Most Congressmen did not want it. X1: He was willing to stand up to the other Congressmen and not waver. Without him, the Bill would not have passed. E2: In cheerleading, there needs to be a person who starts each cheer and motivates the other girls. X2: I am a very vocal person who loves encouraging others. I can address problems when necessary. Body Paragraph #2 Title of Source: II.Soft Skill (E1) Conflict in Source (X1) Explain how the soft skill could have helped or did help. (E2) Describe how the soft skill applies to your organization. (X2) Explain how you could contribute this to the team.
Use the TEXT method and your four square to create your body paragraphs Remember that you have your green ruler as a guide. Helpful Transition Words: First of all Secondly Also For example On one hand On the other hand In the first place
Drafting Body Paragraphs. Write body paragraphs #1-2. Remember to fill in your four square as you write.
Revision # 2 – TEXT T highlight your topic sentence. (Pink) E underline your example and details X Highlight your explanation (Yellow) E2 underline your example and details X2 Highlight your explanation (Yellow) T Highlight your take away sentence (Green)
Revision #3 - Dead Words Circle any dead words in your paragraph and change. Example: Mrs. Adams held the snake in her hands.
Example #2 The boy took the basket from the shelf. Example #3 The waves came on the beach.