IRC/SAC status Venelin Kozhuharov for the SAC/IRC working group NA62 Meeting 1.04.2014.


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Presentation transcript:

IRC/SAC status Venelin Kozhuharov for the SAC/IRC working group NA62 Meeting

IRC design IRC design reviewed Several missing subjects addressed –Wrapping –Assembly IRC drawings public on EDH

Scintillator machining Final design of the scintillators fixed Holes map based only on the measurements from the matrix Multiple crosschecks to assure the correct position of the holes Drawings prepared and sent to IHEP-Protvino Strategy: –Preproduction of 2 scintillator rings (8 scintillator plates) - done –Test the matching between the scintillator and the lead Preliminary tests at IHEP encouraging Tests at CERN - now –Execute the complete production Scintillators should be ready by the end of May.

IRC integration IRC support –Decided to use 3 point support with strings 2 points on the front Al plate (1 st module) 1 point on downstream Al plate (2 nd module) Some minor intervention on the IRC Al plates might be necessary –At present 4 point support was foreseen Alignment –Precise beam axis definition Crucial for the IRC, since it's the closest to the axis downstream detectorCrucial for the IRC, since it's the closest to the axis downstream detector –Clocking of the detector Eccentricity of the modules wrt the vacuum tube –Use overconstrained number of alignment points 3 on the front and 3 on the back of the modules To be discussed with the survey group

IRC production Mechanics –All parts of the IRC mechanics will be shipped to Frascati tomorrow –Another check of the matching of the lead and scintillators Still components to be revised: –PMT support –Wrapping –Tooling for the assembly of the modules –Survey points/holes Everything (almost) can be done now, but nothing can be machined on any of the pieces once they are assembled to avoid stress on the 0.8mm vacuum tube

Conclusion IRC construction seem to be on the right road (although already on the fast track...) Few missing things to be fixed Realistic time scale: –June: assembly –July: installation, to be agreed with the TC Start developing the DAQ system of the detector –Hardware almost there –Missing parts of the firmware... to be done HV system to attach to is being identified