1 of 9 DetaiLogic ™ Patent Pending Developer’s Introduction ■
2 of 9 What’s the Issue? You hire DPs (design professionals: architects, engineers, etc.) to design your projects. That includes designing construction details and specifying materials. DPs don’t always keep all your project goals in mind (particularly as relates to budget) Builders sometimes forget the point of the construction as they “value engineer” it. You’re often stuck resolving the resulting conflicts and it’s not your area of expertise. ■
3 of 9 Current Solutions Hire really competent DPs and builders who take their fiduciary responsibility seriously. Give the DPs enough fee and time to thoughtfully design and completely document the construction. Hire your own consultants to check the DP’s work (with regard to budget, but also to constructability and impact on operations). But such an approach tends to complicate matters Consultants make mistakes too And still it’s hard ■
4 of 9 Current Solutions Is there a better way? Yes. It’s called DetaiLogic™ ■
5 of 9 The Alternative: DetaiLogic™ DetaiLogic™ is… An advisor that suggests materials and assemblies to its users An instructor that helps users decide and introduces them to new materials A tester that quickly assesses the implications when project requirements change. A draftsman that compiles custom details from their constituent subassemblies, and outputs detail drawings and specification sections. ■
6 of 9 The Alternative: DetaiLogic™ How does it work? It asks users what they want from their details. They can input a list of performance criteria, select specific materials, or do a combination of the two. It searches a library for data on subassemblies and materials that correspond to or fulfill the inputted list. It compiles the subassemblies into connections, and the connections into details. It outputs drawings, specifications, and a performance assessment of the compiled detail. It links users to manufacturers for other support (to order samples, get questions answered, etc.). ■
7 of 9 The Alternative: DetaiLogic™ Who can use it? Anyone. But any details or specifications DetaiLogic™ generates must be sealed by a licensed DP before being executed (except for exempt [small] projects). ■
8 of 9 The Alternative: DetaiLogic™ Why should you support it? DetaiLogic™ improves the flow of construction and reduces liability, since… It will raise detailing quality DetaiLogic™ doesn’t support re-use of old details It encourages your DPs to base their detail decisions on your project’s specific needs Better details mean fewer errors and RFIs It enables “what if” analysis for value engineering and substitutions Detail performance can easily be assessed before construction ■
9 of 9 Can you try it out? Yes! The ArchiBas X website includes: A walk-through that explains what DetaiLogic™ is and how it works. A software mock up that, while not yet functional, does suggest the flow of DetaiLogic™, if not its final look or feel. ■ The Alternative: DetaiLogic™