Journal 2/25/2016 You have just been named King/Queen!!! What is your first order of business and why?
Unit 8 Absolute Monarchs Section 3 – Austria & Prussia
Austria and Maria Theresa 1711 Charles VI becomes ruler (Habspburgs) –Ethnic differences makes it hard to rule –Czechs, Hungarians, Italians, Croatians, Germans, and many others Charles VI needed way to keep country united after his death –Some countries had rules about a ruler being male. –Pragmatic Sanction Persuaded leaders of Europe to recognized his daughter, Maria Theresa as heir to throne. Guaranteed lands would not be split 1740 – Charles dies, Maria becomes Queen
Maria Theresa Had to deal with internal conflicts –Religion –Language –Nationalities Chief Rival is Brandenburg-Prussia –A German territory
Prussia - Hohenzollerns Ruling family – Hohenzollerns –Ruled since 1400's, very ambitious family 1640 Frederick William - German Prince –Becomes ‘Great Elector’ of Brandenburg –Ruled at end of Thirty Years War –Believed having a strong army, only way to ensure safety –Moved toward an absolute monarchy Created strong unified army Created permanent system of taxation Encouraged Agriculture, Industry and Trade Believed in idea of Mercantilism Takes title of king
Prussia – Frederick William I Junkers – Landowning nobility –Resisted kings power 1713 Frederick William I becomes king –Gave Junkers exclusive right to be officers in army. Becomes a military based society –Junkers don’t have to pay taxes Increases size & strength of army - loyal to the king Becomes a major European power. Works to unify Prussia Tried to avoid war at all costs –cost too much money
Prussia – Frederick William I Encouraged Trade Required all parents to send all children to school. Concerned about Son, Frederick William II –Not Interested in Military or Government –Tried to force him to be, was very harsh Even sent him to prison Forced him to watch friend he escaped with be executed.
Prussia – Frederick William II 1740 – Frederick William II becomes king –Becomes known as Frederick the Great –Ends up becoming a stronger leader than his father.
Conflict between Austria and Prussia War of Austrian Succession 1740 – Frederick (Prussia) invaded Silesia –Valuable territory, farmland and Iron deposits –Figured Maria (Austria, new queen) would not defend Maria aligns with England, Netherlands & Russia Prussia aligns with Bavaria, Spain & France War for 8 years – Ends 1748 –Ended Prussia’s aggression –Maria loses Silesia
Diplomatic Revolution After the War…. Reversal of Alliances Since time of Louis XIV –Austria & England allied against France 1756 – England Allies with Prussia –To keep them from becoming to powerful Maria decided France is not biggest enemy, allies with France and Russia –To maintain some kind of balance of power.
Seven Year’s War Actually starts in America –French and Indian War 1757 – Frederick William II (Prussia) attacks Saxony –An Austrian Ally –War involves all major European powers, because of alliances
Seven Year’s War War fought in Europe, North America, India, and Africa (Senegal) Canada
Seven Years’ War Ends in 1763, no clear winner –No boundary changes in Europe –France loses colonies in America to England (Treaty of Paris) –Britain gets majority of interests in India –Prussia retains control over Silesia
Peace Leaders start to understand War is very costly –Loss of life –Destruction of land –Financial Cost
Peace Frederick William. II starts rebuilding Prussia –Improved education, civil service –Legal and Court reforms –Encouraged economic development, trade and manufacturing –Religions toleration, even for Jews –Gained territory Partitioning of Poland –1786 Frederick William. II dies Succeeded in making Prussia a major European power.
End Austria & Prussia