Back What kind of rock is formed from the cementation of particles ranging in size from to cm? Ques. #1 Siltstone Ans.
All rocks are made from Back Ques. #2 Ans. Minerals
What rock is formed when quartz sandstone is subjected to heat and/or pressure? Back Ques. #3 Ans. Quartzite
Identify this rock: Vesicular, low density, fine texture, containing plagioclase feldspar, biotite, and potassium feldspar. Back Ques. #4 Ans. Vesicular rhyolite
What is the most abundant element found in the rocks of the earth’s crust? Back Ques. #5 Ans. Oxygen
What is the name of this structure? Back Ques. #6 The silicon-oxygen tetrahedron Ans.
What test is shown in the illustration? Back Ques. #7 Ans. Streak test
The mineral shown in the diagram breaks into flat sheets. This tendency is called Back Ques. #8 Ans. Cleavage
The mineral grains in the diagram are all about 2.5 mm in diameter. What rock is this? Back Ques. #9 Ans. Gabbro
Name any property of the rock in the diagram which would indicate that it is metamorphic. Ques. #10 Back Ans. Banding or minerals or distortion of structure
What term describes how non-crystalline minerals break? Back Ques. #11 Ans. Fracture
Hardness, color, cleavage or fracture are all mineral characteristics which are determined by Back Ques. #12 Ans. The internal arrangement of atoms
What characteristics would you expect to see in an igneous rock that cooled slowly deep in the earth? Back Ques. #13 Ans. Large crystal grains - Coarse texture
A student puts acid on an unidentified rock and notices that it bubbles. Of what mineral is this rock most likely made? Back Ques. #14 Ans. Calcite
In what kind of rocks are fossils almost always found? Back Ques. #15 Ans. Sedimentary
Which rock shows foliation, has medium to fine grain and contains the mineral pyroxene. Back Ques. #16 Ans. Schist
Name two different minerals that have exactly the same chemical composition. Back Ques. #17 Ans. Diamond & graphite
Name two rocks which may form as seas evaporate. Back Ques. #18 Ans. Halite, Rock Gypsum (gypsum) and Dolostone
What rock is this? Back Ques. #19 Ans. Breccia
Which mineral is used to make furnace bricks? Back Ques. #20 Ans. Olivine
What rock is produced when limestone or dolostone is subjected to heat and/or pressure? Back Ques. #21 Ans. Marble
Which non-vesicular igneous rock is entirely non-crystalline and is felsic? Back Ques. #22 Ans. Obsidian
What kind of rock is produced when meta- morphic rocks melt and then solidify and then weather into small particles which are cemented together? Back Ques. #23 Ans. Sedimentary rock
The particles in this rock sample are 0.15 cm in diameter. What kind of rock is it? Back Ques. #24 Ans. Sandstone
Where are sedimentary rocks usually found? Back Ques. #25 Ans. As a thin veneer on the surface
Back Ques. #26 Ans. Fracture Which characteristic is shown by this rock?
Which mineral does not show cleavage, contains iron, and has a streak that is different from it’s common color? Back Ques. #27 Ans. Pyrite
This rock shows banding. What is it? Back Ques. #28 Ans. Gneiss
A student attempts to scratch a piece of glass with an unknown mineral. Which characteristic of the mineral is she trying to determine? Back Ques. #29 Ans. Hardness
Back Ques. #30 Ans. The pebbles Which of the following is the oldest part of the conglomerate rock shown? > The pebbles in the rock > The cement > The crack in the rock > The rock itself
YOU’RE A WINNER! A clastic rock is made from fragments cemented together?