3DS Max 2013 Mitch hood
A demo of 3ds max
What is 3ds max A piece of software that is used by game developers, visual effect artists, motion graphic artists, architects, designers and engineers
Mannequin This is the mannequin I'm about to recreate in 3d studio max
Feet and legs do the feet and legs I used three different shapes and scaled and moved them, and then I cloned them to make sure they are exactly the same size
Body and half an arm I added on the body and one half of an arm, using different shapes and the scale tool and move tool, and I am going to clone the arm so they are the same size and shape.
Both arms and colour changed I finished the arms and added a mannequin skin colour too.
Finished mannequin Finished mannequin finally with all the same features as the one on the right
Armchair made I used the different shapes to make the armchair
lamp and table made and rug I used different tools and shapes to make the rug, lamp and table
Sofa and door
Second lamp
Plug socket
TV and surround sound
One lamp on Both turned on
Biped walking around Walking in straight line
Biped walking in a curve/corner
evaluation First I made the mannequin using a picture I found to guide me, then I made the room ( sofa, TV, lamps, door, carpet ) and I made the biped walk in a straight line across the room, then walk in a curved line to the chair and made him jump on the chair