He is very discrete in his attacks
" Satan runs in the body of Adam's son (i.e., man) as his blood, that circulates through it." [Sahih Bukhari]
I came up with this!
Satan inspires fear
“Please, I need time!”
“At least I am better than them”
A disagreement with another believer
A disbalance in a believer’s life
He fosters pride in a believer
Holier than thou
Yes ! have done it I
Are you intolerant towards others’
He Causes People to Deify Others besides Allah
Adopting guidance other than that of Allah
The misdirection of love
Who do you love more?
Deifying others is a dangerous trap
He causes doubts
How can all of them be wrong?
“All celebrities will be together in hell”
Surrounded by traps of confusions