Final Project The Ideal President
Graded on 1. Completedness 2. Following directions 3 Creativeness 4. Persuasiveness
The Constitutional Jobs of the Presidency 1.Choose minimum of 3 2.Describe job: must be in your own words 3. Comment on your ideal president: how would your ideal president act in this job?
Additional jobs 1. May be constitutional 2. May be your own 3. 3 more-total of 6 jobs
Images 1 Head 2 Trunk 3 Left hand 4 Right hand 5 Left Leg 6 Right leg
Collage 1 Each part of the body is from different image 2 You may just use one image per part or 3 You may make a mosaic of each part or 4 You may do both
I will supply 1.Scissors 2.Stick glue 3.Tape 4.My computer for you to use 5.Index cards if you wish
You will need 1.Poster board 2.Magazines for images
Persuasive speech 1.Why we would vote for your ideal president to be our leader 2.Be creative 3.Do NOT restate what you said for your jobs 4.Be brief--you only have a total of 3 minutes to speak 5.Review your speech w/a teacher or…
Logistics 1.Ideal president and jobs on front 2.Speech on back 3.Each written job description next to body part 4.Neatly written or printed 5.Easy for us to read 6.Your name in lower right hand quarter
For oral presentation 1.No longer than 3 minutes 2.I will cut you off at 3 minutes no matter how far along you are 3.Loud voice (easy to hear) 4.Paced (not too slow or fast) 5.Your ideal president image may be what ever you want 6.Only from a magazine image. Period.
Rubric tomorrow Questions?Questions? Due day of finals: Thursday, May 26