Early Years Born August 15, 1769 on Corsica Age 10 went to Brienne military college in France At 15 went to École Militaire in Paris At 16 made an officer in army
Military Success 1793 as major, led Republican troops against royalists and British in Toulon Promoted to brigadier general Later jailed for being friends with Robespierre’s brother
Josephine Met and fell in love with Josephine Six years older, husband guillotined during revolution
Whiff of grapeshot 1795 royalist uprising in Paris Napoleon ordered cannons fired at crowd & ended protest Promoted to major general in charge of all troops in France
Italian Campaign France attacked Italy to get at Austria Napoleon took over in 1796 (two days after wedding to Josephine) Great leadership & strategy defeated Austrians
Egyptian Campaign France wanted to defeat Britain Napoleon attacked them in Egypt Military failure Napoleon fled Egypt Greeted as hero in France
First Consul 1799 Napoleon overthrew the corrupt Directory Took title First Consul Reorganized French civil law (“Napoleonic Code”) Guaranteed equality
First Consul Improved roads and ports Established new school system Created wealth through wars
Emperor Napoleon 1804 crowned himself Emperor of France Became tyrant Ruled with secret police, censorship
Napoleon and Europe Napoleon fought war with most of Europe Britain was greatest enemy Used Continental System to block British trade Led to widespread smuggling
Napoleon and Europe Won at Ulm, Austerlitz and Jena Defeated armies of Austria, Prussia and Russia 1807 Treaty of Tilsit, France contolled much of Europe
Rise of Nationalism Conquered countries embraced revolutionary ideas Led to the rise of people identifying with their nation This new feeling was nationalism
Loss in Spain 1808 placed brother Jerome on throne Spanish rebelled Used guerilla warfare British helped
Russian Campaign Napoleon gathered Grande Armée (600,000 soldiers) 1812 attacked Russia Russians fled Moscow Bad weather and no supplies left Grande Armée stranded
Abdication and Exile Next lost battle of Leipzig Napoleon gave up throne Exiled to Elba Later returned for 100 days but defeated at Waterloo Sent to St. Helena
Congress of Vienna France kept old borders Britain tried to create balance of power in Europe