Test Prompt Pre-Assessment What do you know about the Big Bang Theory? Jan 14
Yesterday’s Work In small groups from yesterday, pick a person to share out with the class.
Today’s Date Test Prompt Work Today’s Picture(s) Exit Slip Today’s Note(s)
Which picture shows the higher pitch? Which picture shows the higher frequency? A B Draw and label in your notes. Label high and low frequency, high and low pitch
Sounds of NASCAR Engine Running, Car Not Moving
Sounds of NASCAR Engine Running, Car Moving Fast to Left
Overview Energy Moves in Waves Wavelength = length of a wave Frequency = wavelengths per second – The number of waves per second to pass a given point.
Doppler Effect Waves have a higher frequency as their source is moving toward you. AND… A lower frequency as its source is moving away from you.
Light Travels in Waves Too Lower frequencyhigher frequency What happens if a yellow light moves TOWARD you? What happens if a yellow light moves AWAY from you?
Main Idea of entire lesson here! Red Shift: if a light source is moving away from you, the color of the light shifts toward the red end of the spectrum.
Edwin Hubble Noticed almost all of the stars in the sky experienced red shift. This means… most of the stars in space are moving away from us.
Exit Slip If stars are all moving away from Earth, what does this mean about the universe?