January 27, 2005Serguei A. Mokhov, 1 General Assignment Guidelines and Marking Scheme COMP444 – System Software Design Revision 1.0
January 27, 2005Serguei A. Mokhov, 2 General There will be letter grades assigned to your assignments. If basic assignment requirements say: –Do task 1 –Do task 2 –Do task 3 And you just do what it says, which is good, and what any student is expected to be able do anyway, you get a good grade of B… In order to get A+, you must do excellently and produce high-quality work with extras; details follow.
January 27, 2005Serguei A. Mokhov, 3 General (2) Good and useful SOEN practices are in place. READE is a must. Makefile is a must.
January 27, 2005Serguei A. Mokhov, 4 Extras If your app gives some extra features or extensions that are logical and useful to the problem being solved, or refines gray spots in the requirements and/or design, that’s a big asset towards your app and your grade.
January 27, 2005Serguei A. Mokhov, 5 Code Naming (variables, functions, structures and types). Modularity Structure NO hardcoding Error handling (e.g. return values from all system calls).