A CYA game created by: Rhiannon Steele Enjoy Enjoy
The Wait: The Doctor went outside and hasn’t been back for four hours. You can either go out and find him or wait another hour. What will you do? Go and find him Go and find him Wait another hour Wait another hour
When looking for the Doctor two strange looking people approach you(holding atom blasters). You then… Ask them if they know the Doctor Ask them if they know the Doctor Keep on walking Keep on walking Surrender Surrender Go and find him
They take you as a prisoner. You are stuck in a dungeon, forever. BEGIN, again. BEGIN, again. Surrender
You get shot. Good luck on living. Begin, again. Begin, again. Keep on walking
Thinking you are with the Doctor they start taking you to the castle where he is held captor. When arriving at the castle you think you see the castle glitch. As they try to take you inside you must make a choice, and quickly. Ask them what it is Ask them what it is Escape Escape Shrug it off Shrug it off Ask them if they know the Doctor
You waited another hour, you did not save the Doctor, he died. You being stuck on the planet, die. Real good choice. Back to the BeginningBeginning Wait another hour
You break free from them and escape into a nearby forest and live. Wandering around in the forest you find a path and follow it. A little while later there is a fork in the path. Right or Left? Right Right Left Left Escape
You find yourself in a dark endless loop. I’m guessing your dead. Back to the beginning.beginning. Left
Along the path you find Batman. He says I’m sorry, you then lose consciousness. You are dead. To the BEGINNING!!!BEGINNING!!! Right
When the question is answered they let go of you in surprise, upon letting you go they disappear. A couple minutes later you realize that they were holograms. Now alone you start wandering around. When walking you found a door hidden by a bunch of bushes. Your choice, open the door or keep walking. Open the door Open the door Walk on Walk on Ask them what it is
Walking on for what seems forever you are lost and can not find your way out. Have a fun time dying. The beginning.beginning. Walk on
When you look in you see K-9, an old companion of the Doctor. When you turn on the robotic dog, he says he can track the Doctor! On the trail of the Doctor, K-9 leads you lab like building. Going inside you hear the Doctor and someone else talking. Getting closer you see the Doctor rising in midair, he sees you and gestures to stay hidden. What will you do? Stay hidden Stay hidden Run into the room Run into the room Open the door
Seeing the Doctor you stay put and soon the mystery man comes into view….When he walks in on the middle of his speech you can ram into him to release the Doctor or use K-9’s photon blaster. Ram Ram K-9 K-9 Stay hidden
You startle the man, which causes him to release the Doctor. As he stands up and starts to run towards you he makes it to you guys and you all start to run out of the building. Then it explodes. K-9 then explains that in the building poisonous gasses were held there and how his shot ignited it. When you guys make it back to the TARDIS and start to fly away The Doctor congratulates you and your decision making skills. You leave knowing you saved the Doctor. Be proud. You finished, Back to the beginning.beginning K-9’s Blaster
The man hears you running and shoots you. Begin, again. Begin, again. Ram
Running got you shot. So close too… BEGIN BEGIN Run into the room
When taken into the castle, you fall through to your death. It was a hologram. Back to the beginning.beginning Shrug it off